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Viral Speak 12-13-2000
Akemi had a Birthday and you're all getting cake! YAY! Or not.. maybe just some Viral Speak? Rayman649 and I are starting up an unofficial DMG Ice newsletter that will be packed with news, editorials, games of the week, classic B&W spotlights, and more. Check out the DMG Ice Newsletter on the GB4E board for more details and a very, very early edition of a sample newsletter. Once the thing gets off the ground, would you be interested in sponsoring the newsletter (subscription box on main page, news post when new edition comes out)? It would be a great way to make DMG Ice even more interactive, and I'm absolutely certain that we can do this. So what do you say? - Superguy3000Philip: YOU CAN DO IT! Lucifer has returned.... but this time around his problem is a problem of love.... not the love of the game, but love...Philip: Well, if you can handle it.. Harvest Moon GBC 2. Donkey Kong Country is a Must Buy, and Pokemon Puzzle League is superb! Also on the list of best.. and probably more for you... is Cannon Fodder! DMG Ice Rocks! I dont even play my GBC anymore but I still visit because IM A LAMER WITH NO LIFE!!! But anyways, DMG ICE Rocks! It has to be the coolest page ever that duznt give a crap about their layout, which is something that I think is cool. You guys have CONTENT!! Thats so cool!! Way better then that other GB Site _________ that has a crappy message board with mean mods!! Anyways, do you buy GB Games with the money you make from this page? Or do you actually pay for somePhilip: Actually.. I like experimenting with lay-outs.. a lot of webpages.. look the same. I also like messing around with lay-outs so they look well.. weird. ^_^ Glad you like the site. Ah, Viral Speak. My last place to lash out at the world without fear of "the higher ups" reading.Philip: Oh, the higher-ups.. do read us.. bwa ha ha ha ha! HEY! I am gonna try not to go off on a rant here but, did you guys hear what Sony is telling retailers to do? They are telling them to take down all advertisements for other systems and their software. Sony has gone too far. What a bunch of goddamn bastards. Look at it this way, their will be about 40 posters up for PS2 and it's games and you won't even be able to get a freakin' PS2!! It's like, hey, check out this game console...oops, too bad, you can't buy it!! I hope Sony gets fried over this. Stupid big wigg-ed bastards with their classy suits and ties going to their Japanese sushi bars and their French Mochas in California laughing at all the people trying to buy their overpriced piece of garbage system that looks like a book-end on my shelf and can barely play DVDs. Oh, and another thing. I also heard that dumbass stupid shitbag Best Buy employees (hired for their complete stupidity) are telling parents that the PSone plays PS2 games. I swear, if there is one building I would want to ever stand in front of with a can of gasoline while laughing through the flames, it would be a Best Buy store. Stoopid Bastard Buy. I wanna beat the shit outta that damn guy who walks around the store in the big idea-box suit and looks like a total buffoon. They change the entire layout of the store every weekend so the employees don't remember were anything is so when you ask them a question they can just stand there looking at you and saying, "I dunno...I just work here," and there stupid non-commision bullshit where they run away any time you try and ask questions and their stupid return policy where if you open something and it is broken in the box, you are S.O.L. Goddamnit, give me a fucking Dreamcast and a PS2 that I can piss on and throw out my window. Ok...I guess I ranted a little...sorry for the profanity...I'll stop now. *steps off soapbox* - POed Gaseous SnakePhilip: No need to apologize for the profanity, it's a good thing to go ahead and vent. But use that anger constructively by typing into Viral Speak, killing space aliens, kciking Blue Viruses, or hitting reload a lot and clicking all the banners at the Snowflake. Hehehehe Aghhh! Thou hath confused me with thine evil scheme of putting ice blocks for every day in the week! I hath seen through thine plan, and thou should keep thy schemes to thyself! Mass anarchistic insanity shall reign not! Thou art a villain! - The HeptagonPhilip: No court would convict me... I have.. THE BUGGY COUNCIL on my side.. bwa ha ha! ... Jump from the Second Ramp to the Ledge?? Sounds like the directions for the Sub-Tank in Jet Stingray's Stage (MegaMan X4) because that's what you do... it took me 10 lives to figure that I had to dash into it... And it's only 17 Days 'Till X-Mas!!! But by the time this is posted, it may be 15, or 16, or 3, or 364... Whenever VS is updated... - Super SaiyaMewPhilip: Hehehe.. now it's only.. 10! What are sock monkey thoughts made of? Sock bananas? Foy? Armageddon? We will never know. - NitroPhilip: Sock Monkey thoughts are made of none of those things; because none of those things is what Sock Monkey thoughts are made of! If Sock Monkey thoughts were made of those things, I would say so; but they are not. So I tell you that Sock Monkey thoughts are not made of those things! Two questions Phil: First, should I get Pokemon Puzzle League on N64 or gameboy? I suppose the gameboy version is missing some modes, but it is portable. Anything it has that the n64 one doesn't? and second:Philip: Get it for Game Boy Color. Portable, less irritating voices. Easier to buy.. smaller box.Game Boy is a screen only you see... Sue for swallowing Gameboys? In my day we were lucky to get fed dirt and gravel. - JayGee1Philip: We also had to walk eight miles in the snow and ice in our boxers to earn the money to buy that dirt by working 24/7 in the Coal Mines. SEVEN LITTLE FOYS, THE (1955) Read Movie Reviews!Philip: Nice. Ya know how Dragon Warrior Quest (Warrior, whatever) 1-2 Was ported in as-is format on GBC. And supposedly DW3 is coming out -enhanced- on GBC. Do you beleive it's possible that they may do the same thing with Dragon Warrior 4? - MasamunePhilip: Yes. hiPhilip: Thanks. ^_^ What's wrong with lazer tag? It's about as harmful to the younguns' heads as playing with water guns. - TenryuujinPhilip: Not much, really.. some parents don't like the idea of their children playing shooting each other.. that's violence.. or maybe.. this could happen.. Philip picks up squirtgun and hands it to little Timmy. Little Timmy: YAY! I'm an NRA member! Timmy goes to play shooting his friends. Later that day, Timmy accidentally finds his Dad and Mom's real gun in a dresser drawer. Timmy: Watergun! Timmy goes to play shooting his friends. Philip: Don't laugh.. it's not funny. A Composition by myself:Philip: Viral Speak.. funny.. and damn educational. ^_^ I want my...Philip: Mooooo. I made a FOY Tag in Jet Grind Radiooooooo! I'll send a pic later. - JayGee1Philip: YAY! Hey, could you add a "Legend Of Zelda" or "Dragonball Z" site to the Gameboy Mafia? - MankindPhilip: Maybe.. The Power of PrayerPhilip: Hey, God helps me get through a lot of things on the site... for example.. recent money trouble. I was like.. devestated for a few days.. and then I thought.. well.. as God as my witness.. I will never go hungry again! Then I held up the mouse and got back to work. Do you guys get Dave Barry satire coliums? He just wrote one on PS2, bashing it of course (proving that even non-gamers can tell Sony is stupid). If you haven't read the article it's here. Though you might want to look at it before a week or so or the Wahington Post (where I'm linking to) will have archived it and you'll have to pay to look at it.Philip: Nintendo can repair those batteries themselves fror you.. or you can open the cartridge and replace the battery.. it's essentially a special kind of Watch Battery. I suggest letting Nintendo repair it for a nominal fee. Miltank? I traded a kid one of my first edition team rocket holos for the uncommon neo Miltank. And with the new set out in english, i can have both versions, and eat them in piece. MOoooOOoOoOOoOOOOoo... - JayGee1Philip: Yum. Philip, I know I've brought this up before, but now that I've started trying to work on my page every day, I see how much work it is, and to be able to play all the gameboy games I want, I just don't have time to play N64! Plus go to my volunteer job, take care of my family, sing in the choir at church...I just don't know how you play all the games you mention on N64, gameboy games, work on your site, go to work, keep up on the political stuff and tons of other stuff you do! Are you only one person? Do you beat your games or just play them to get a feel for what kind of game it is and if it's any good....oh, yeah, do you play other systems too? Inquiring minds want to know! - pikamomPhilip: Well, it's like this.. I play some games enough to do a review.. but others.. well.. I play review, beat, or play, beat, review. It's hard to find time to do it all.. but somehow.. Oh, yeah.. I go to sleep late and wake up early. Mondays I have a day off so I sleep until like.. 1PM. O_O I have lots of systems. N64, PSOne, NES, SNES, Sega Nomad, NGPC, Lynx, Virtual Boy, Game.Com, and a Game Gear. I play more handheld games than console games. My sisters play more console games. It depends on the console game. If it's Legend of Zelda, Mario, or certain RPGs.. time just grinds into a halt for me so I can finish it up. With Majora's Mask.. I got in the zone and didn't get out until I beat it and got all 24 masks. There are very few Play Station games that hold my attention.. I'm sorry.. I've got a bunch of good ones; but I barely beat them. Haven't beaten Chrono Cross yet. Oh, well. That will however all grind to halt when Lunar 2 comes out. I played the life out of that game when it came out. I intend to do the same thing to the sequel. I collect news and keep active in politics by reading.. I'm kind of a machine. I process Data. Sock monkey! Click here for information!Philip: Nice. Harvest Moon 2. I don't know if I love or hate it. It's horribly addicting, yet I get so tired of doing the same chores over and over again every day. Talk to my cows, brush them, feed them, milk them, put them out to pasture. Feed my chickens and gather eggs, put them out. Water, plant, and harvest my crops, catch fish, chop wood and cut grass, hoe the dirt and pull weeds and break up rocks, catch bugs, make friends in town, bring them gifts, buy food, make sure not to miss any events, enlarge my farm, call the cows and chickens in...I didn't even make enough money yet to build the sheep barn...I'm in the first fall, got a colt. I named my dog Rose, my colt Ben, my sheep Bell, Bess, Boni, and Bett. I bred one cow and bought the rest. Maybe if I didn't buy so many cows I'd have money for the sheep barn. I'd like to have pigs too. They are so cute. Have you ever seen a real piglet? My neighbor once had a pot-bellied pig as a pet! - pikamomPhilip: Yeah.. Harvest Moon is an odd game.. it's addictive.. very much so. Anyways, Legend of the River King 2 should be out by January.. |