Viral Speak 12-01-2004 Viral Speak! Wow. It's been a while, so here you go! Lots of stuff and some pre-DS comments. Oh, yes! I promise to make this an interesting and compelling Viral Speak. If I fail to make it interesting, rabid Blue Virii shall poke me on the leg with random DS Stylii. Oh, the agony of general apathy toward this.. umm. just read it. Philip is listening to: NOTHING. Phil
for president! Honestly, you'd do a better job. Anyhoo,
you're right! Moore is simply an entertainer. Actually,
he's an actor. That's all he is! An actor with the world as
his audience and no Nintendo DS (has he every played any video games
btw?). Anyhoo, since you want stuff about the Nintendo DS, here
goes! DS sounds great! Low prices for games will definitely
draw customers toward that platform (plus backwards compatibility to
other games, too). I'd like to see Microsoft try to get into the
portable gaming market! Like THAT would happen. Looks like
Nintendo seems to be heading in the right direction so far, unlike
Microsuck@$$, um... I mean Microsoft! Companies like Microsoft
charge too much for products, while Nintendo will charge $30 or less
for their games. At least Nintendo seems to get it. People
don't want to pay high prices for games. If only other companies
would take a clue from Nintendo. *sigh* - th2
Philip: Well, Microsoft
is great to have around. Seriously, without Halo, the Xbox would have
died years ago. I doubt Moore has ever touched a video game. I've seen
The Awful Truth, read his books, and seen all of his movies. He makes
movies, not documentaries. But, he seems to be a bit high strung
lately. I suggest he take up smoking. He'd lose weight, and maybe he'd
get to join in on his voice box choir next Christmas! One thing rather
bothers me about him though and that would be his general attitude in
relation to his audience. He is extremely racist and thinks of us in
lower terms than he cares to admit. Read his books in a book store
sometime, because I do not suggest buying them.Remember the whole bit in Kill Bill where Bill explains to The Bride that Superman dresses up as Clark Kent because that is what he thinks we are like? In his books and interviews, Moore admits that the baseball cap, nerd glasses, and jacket are how he views us. They are his way of "reaching the lower man" in his own words. He has never kept a real job for over three monthes and grew up in a fairly well off family. He also sends his kids to private schools and enjoyed a hefty tax break that was more than I make in a year. Yet, people seem to buy into his views, because it is easier to hate something than to understand it. People like Moore believe that opinion and free thought are only okay when they AGREE with that opinion. If someone presents an opposing view, Moore attacks them as "whackos" and "sub-humans." He stole the "Whacko Attacko" line from Rush Limbaugh's early radio programs back in the late 1980's. Rush refered to "Feminazis" and "Liberal Whackos" as far back as early 1989. Moore is amusing though, in a sycophantic way. If you have seen The Awful Truth or Bowling for Columbine, then you have seen the people he dupes in to "helping" him in hopes that they are doing a good thing. Take the poor mother he had in Farenheit 9/11 who was unaware that he was going to be using her grief as a political tool. He does things that are tasteless and sick as a way of exploiting victims. He's rather good at it as evidenced by his newest book. He also refuses to release the original letters in their entire and uncut form to the press and public. Why? Because he enjoys editing things to match his views. This is a man who cheers for our military enemies and is thankful his kids go to a "mostly white" school. Most of his fans know very little about him. Even fewer people have seen his tow truck of a wife. I mean, seriously folks. He's amusing in a "ha ha look at that idiot" sort of way. Just like Ted Kennedy, he's there to amuse us, but it's dangerous to take the court jester seriously. Wow.... So you support bush, fully knowing that the NAACP is upset with him.
You listen to Rush limbaugh!?!?!?! My god. And you have the nerve to say that micheal moore is baised. And all this talk about the token negro, "rice" who happens to serve Storm Thurmond some cake. Phil, do your best and stay out of politics. - ninjasoul Philip: The NAACP doesn't support black progress. Hell, they've been out to get Larry Elder for years. They continue to enjoy and celebrate a counter-culture that oppresses black people, and they side with the Democratic Party which was originally created with the sole purpose of keeping slavery alive. Unless you forgot that they endorsed Gore in 2000 even though Gore -read his book- is a Seperationist. I also did not say Moore was biased, you did. My comment -and I'll copy/paste it here for you- is as so: "Michael Moore is an ENTERTAINER who feeds people silly conspiracy theories and drums up hatred to make a buck, so he can send his kids to segregated private schools. He's not giving you gospel truth." And neither is Rush Limbaugh. In fact, I mentioned that people should read the news articles that he comments on. I said they're both NOT JOURNALISTS and that is true. They're both entertainers. Rush is Right-Wing and Moore is Left-Wing, so it's two sides of the same coin and that coin won't buy you a SODA. Wow. Just wow. "Token Negro?" How is that not racist? So, she served Strom Thurmond some cake on his BIRTHDAY. Last I checked, people who throw birthday parties usually get a cake. Yes, Strom Thurmond is a Seperationist, so is Moore, Nader, and Gore. She probably hoped he'd choke on it. I read Moore's books, why don't YOU listen to Rush Limbaugh? Listen and then investigate what he says, you might learn something. Gah! Evil Politics seeps into Viral Speak! I think that the best thing to do is to research things, watch things, and investigate things. Oh, you have to pay over $1,400 just to take up temporary residence in Canada. If you decide to become a citizen.. there are even more taxes awaiting you. There's Does Philip even look at these anymore? - Hbomb
Philip: Nope! I have my EVIL BLUE DEATH VIRII filter them. ^_^ They like you. You're like candy. ^_^Make more Cukemen!!! YAY!!!!! - Ty
Philip: Okay!Hey Phill...
Philip: Eventually. Maybe.When are U going to do a viral speak!?!?!?!?! - Gold x Calibur.... Do
you think the Nintendo DS' 2° screen will actually be used, or do
you think it will just be the place where lazy videogame makers
designer, progammers, etc. will put the maps and item lists? How many
games do you think will actually use it in a creative way? - MARF
Philip: Well, I think
that many developers will be lazy right off the bat and that is just
fine with me. The more games that are made for the system, the better.
It does not hurt you or I if someone ported -say- Time Splitters 2 to
the DS with just the second screen being used for alternate control and
a map. I'm fine with that. The game is important and some games do not
need to use the touch screen, microphone, or second screen as much as
soon as I get a DS, I'm getting Feel the Magic: XY/XX. There's just
somethng about it that's drawing me to it, making me want to get it
ASAP. Not only that, since it's a Sonic Team game, there's also the
obligatory NiGHTS reference.
Philip: Well, it was one of the first games I picked up for mine and I am happy to say that I do not regret my purchase of it.(POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.) When you put a Sonic Team franchise GBA game in the DS, it will let you unlock an optional hat or hairstyle for the love interest resembling an iconic Sonic Team character. Naturally, this includes everyone's favorite renegade Nightmaren NiGHTS. (END OF SPOILER) This makes Bron a very happy exiled Raven king. - Bron Raven Dear
Philip: Well, we are
thinking of creating a game in the future (ask me about that one!) and
maybe when we buy Nintendo, we'll think about making all sorts of Game
Boy devices.You need to make diffrent kinds of game boy like every kind and let us typ in the exact game we want to play!!!!!!! - Megan Take a look at - I always hoped I'd get an "expired domain name" page visiting their site ;) Cheers!
Philip: Oh, this is a good time indeed, full of.. good.. times... indeed, and flesh. Yes. *lets out huge Invader Zim style laugh*- Infinity_Yak Please
i want you to send me game boy advance and its cassette.please i want
to have it in december 19,2005.please i know you will send it the date
i gave you .thank you. - Emmanuel Sikpe Humavoh/linesman
Philip: Take those two
posts, multiply them by like.. 400. >_< People, I am not a
charity and while I would LOVE to buy everyone a Nintendo DS and a Game
Boy Advance, I can not. I am poor and I think you will appreciate a
system more if you have bought it yourself or someone who loves you
buys it for you. I am sorry. Okay?Please i want you to send me gameboy - Andrews Sarfo Philip? Why did you stop answering my phone calls? Little Billy misses his daddy! - Mandy Moore
Philip: Uhh... ummm.....
please stop stalking me. Between you and Hillary Duff.. I'm a bit
scared to go outside. I mean... please? Stop?Hey ^_^ - AgroCrag
Philip: Wow. That, my friends, is a POST!dear sir /madam
Philip: Make the suffering STOP!!! NOOOO!i am with much pleasure to write u this letter.How are u and ur family?please the main reason is that please i dont have game .Please i want u to send me some of nintendo game boy.please i know u well send it to me . please this my add EMMANUEL DUNCAN P.O. BOX AO 133 ABOABO -KUMASI GHANA-W/A - Don't you hate it when women play hard to get? - Hbomb
Philip: And that would be when you slip the Red Virii's juice into their drinks!
Hbomb is a comic god! - Somebody
Philip: I'm sure that somewhere, Scott McCloud is weeping openly that
his self-professed title has been stolen by a Weapon of Mass Hilarity.
I, however, am too busy offering bits of Josh Nickerson as a burnt
sacrifice to the Almighty Hbomb.
My sweet virgin eyes, I just learned that theres a Yiff card game out there... - Pogo
Philip: Does Wizard of the Coast distribute it, or is that just me dreaming?
please i wil like you to send me a game boy advance - asare
Philip: please i wil like you to send me a monies. However, I have to
admit that it pleases me to see people from that nation getting online!
I mean, their English is REALLY GOOD compared to what the average
American speaks online. In the one before this, complicated words like
pleasure were spelled perfectly fine. I think that once these people
have mastered the computer, they should use their knowledge of it to
try Capitalism. Then they could buy ME a Game Boy.
The Evangelion OST 1 is sexcellent.
Philip: I have that one. ^_^ Yummy and good. Ah.. like audio fornication to my earlobes.So is Shantae and don't forget the pretzels. ^^ - Ian, just Ian
The DS isn't on my Christmas list this year... despite it being so very
pretty, I'd rather play with something else. ;-) Oh God that sounds
dirtier than I'd intended! - Boots
Philip: Hmm.. am I on that list? Speaking of audio fornication.....
Your little console vs. portable spiel is ridiculously lopsided.
'Beatable in this long' and 'fun for this long' are rather different
concepts. Console games are generally longer, there's just no question
about that. You however obviously prefer portable games which would
mean you would play them more and longer. Most people wouldn't. I love
my GBA SPs (yes plural) and I love my consoles, but I spent multiple
hundreds of hours playing GoldenEye, multiple hundreds more playing
Perfect Dark, etc. etc... I know I've spent close to 100 hours or more
each of the four or five times I've played FF7... Versus maybe 30 or 40
for Golden Sun 2, easily my longest-lasting portable game. But that
doesn't mean I like either one better. Pikmin is an amazing and worthy
game despite being just around 10 hours long. Same with Metroid Prime,
Beyond Good & Evil, Eternal Darkness, etc... games are not judged
by length and systems are not judged by the length of their games. -
Philip: Yeah. It was meant to be. I was making fun of Fable and it's
short period of gameplay. Peter even apologised for the game missing
features. So, I was poking some fun at him. Like they say, Long &
Thin may slip right in, but Short and Thick will do the trick. Oh,
wait. They DON'T say that. We prefer our games long and thick with
goodness. Oh, there are a few repeat posters here because they had more
to say that was interesting.
Hey, so is Mythri getting released this year or what? I can only assume
that any such news would be on the front page, but... I can't resist
asking! - TK421
Philip: Well, Mythri lost it's publisher. They were getting no money to
develop the game from the publisher. No money = no progress. That's
harsh, but true. I would suggest that we set up a donation for Mythri.
I think the game is worth it and if you think so too, write Team
XKalibur and tell them that you would be willing to donate money to see
their game made into a reality. I think the game will rock when it is
completed and the GBA is still going strong! Please tell Team XKalibur
that you will support them.
What do you have at the store - 0711David
Philip: Sweet, hot, and sticky PAIN. Want some?
i am getting a gameboy sp. what cool games do you have. i am realy interested in mario. - gbasp nicole
Philip: Well, I suggest checking out Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. Those ROCK. Also, Mario & Luigi is awesome.
I want to touch it. *laughs* God help me. - Boots
Philip: Okay! Go for it! TOUCHING IS GOOD!
(Don't take this as an insult, shantae, I don't know about u but Spiders aren't my greatest pals.)
Philip: Wow. Oh, she has a spider transformation in her GBC game. So, I
think she's okay with spiders. I have more Viral Speak left. Tommorrow
or so I shall get it. Later people!Little Miss Shantae Sat on a Buff-et Eating her curds and whey Along came a spider and sat down beside her And - well... Miss Shantae Ate him too! (i know, I Know, It was my parents anniversery a few Nights ago and we had cheesecake, and EVERYONE Knows how good cheesecake is, which made me think of good stuff like DMG Ice and since you have Shantae all over, I thought, "Why Not?" So here you are, sitting in awe in front of your comp. at a crazy poem. I had nothing better to do!) - Gold x Calibur (Full name: Spider Bio-Monkey WOMBAT Gold Shining x Calibur crash knuckles) December is a cold month, Shantae! Dress warmly! (Buy her game or suffer greatly!) ![]() |