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Viral Speak 11-14-2000
Hi, Akemi here. Now I know what you're thinking.. "Oh, it's Akemi, this should be funny!" Sorry. Viral Speak tonight comes with a parental advisory warning, because Akemi isn't in the greatest of moods. Tonight, I am the Uber-Bitch. But a few I couldn't give horribly mean answers to, 'cause they were either too cute, or I liked the person too much. So be forewarned. I will censor my cuss words though. (Note from Philip: Hey.. it happens. ^_^ I go evil.. Akemi goes.. well.. watch!) Do you think you'll ever get tired of gameboy, Philip? I hope not, then you wouldn't want to keep up your site and a lot of us would be so sad! I love coming here. -PikamomAkemi: You know what? You are just TOO cute. We love you too. ^_^ If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cared... can I break his neck? -DARK TERRANUber-Bitch: Jimmy would crack your balls before you broke his neck. ... the cloning Pokemon trick works...Uber-Bitch: You know what? Life would have been SO much easier without those stupid dots. And you know what else? Philip and Sephiroth would KILL your ass. I was wondering if it is true that you can find wild pokemon such as Magnamite with rare items like the Metal Coat...since these this item is really really rare i dought that this is true, please e-mail me back with the answer. My e-mail address is aj2001771136366@aol.com.Akemi: That little "Your Friend" thing is SO adorable. It'd be more adorable if you were like 5 years old or something. But that's still cute. Someone help him out. (Invisible Philip: Yes, it's true.) have you ever actually UPDATED gamefriend?i mean,ive been hanging out at this site for maybe a year or more,and i dont remember anything about it in the newsity... -titan25Uber-Bitch: So what? Did you notice all the other things he updates? Hello? Open your eyes you bakatare. (Invisible Philip: Hey, Adrock does that section; but there isn't much to do with it...) I got Pkmn Silver... and I caught Foy! But I name all my Foy Foy, so my brother who has Gold and likes the name LadyBEEEEP will have to have one named Foy! And he can't change the nickname, 'cause I caught it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! -DeejayUber-Bitch: And how old are you again? I mean, dude, the Foy thing.. Just cut it. Hey, Phil! I was looking at a Korean music website when suddenly, I came upon a band called @! They are supposed to be a hip-hop/pop mix type thing but I haven't heard anything by them yet. Tell 9H1L. He will make funny joke in comic. -AipomUber-Bitch: Look! I can use @ too! #@*^ you, @$$hole! Oh, and we will be sure to tell.. 9H1L. Does Unown learn any attacks besides Hidden Power? Also, where do I get the first psychic-power TM?-Stupid CatUber-Bitch: Does the VS box look like a freaking helpline? No, Unown doesn't learn any other moves. First Psychic TM in Goldenrod. You should add some powerquest tunes to Radio dmg. It's a great game with even better music. -foneboneAutomated Recording: Thank you for your suggestion. It has been printed out and used to wipe our asses. (Invisible Philip: There are some.... already.. bwa ha ha. Oh, the recording is on loan from Daily Radar.) Argh! Ack! Ugggh! DMG Ice is the best Gameboy site on the Web, but there is one thing it is missing... and that is Ryouko! C'mon, what do ya get when you cross playing handheld games with Ryouko?Uber-Bitch: Um, no. You mean RYOKO from Tenchi, right? Go hook up that freak on the UBB that's in love with her too. If this isn't him. Akemi good.Uber-Bitch: You caught me on my bad day. *holds back the mean comment* Ah, you deserve to be treated nicely. You know, I try really hard to not act like one of the many idiots who go to the website and e-mail the webmaster saying "!*@!&(@&!(&(! UPDATE!", but I must say 2 questions: 1) WHEN are the Pallet Gym Fanfics coming up? I've had this latest chapter of mine on standby for weeks. 2) WHAT is taking so long! >.< I wanna read! If you don't, I'll send Sailor Mini Moon to annoy all the Foys away! -DukeUber-Bitch: YOU KNOW, if you paid attention and READ a little bit, you can READ the Pallet Gym Fanfics already. They're under "The Fray" section. So shut up and read. No one's stopping you. 800 bucks?! How am I gonna get that kinda cash? Oh man... This is terrible. I talked with Matt, EIC of IGN64 and Cube, a few months ago. He said IGN pays for that kinda stuff for affiliates. I talked with him after they moved into their new building and things suddenly changed... Okay. Philip, if you give me 800 dollars, I'll be your friend forever. How could you pass up an offer like that? I also need my Armenian string cheese, double cheeseburger, and that pizza for Adam Sessler. -RamziUber-Bitch: You think that Phil is gonna give you 800 bucks? I CAN'T EVEN GO TO E3 MYSELF. You think he'd pay for you? No. Don't think so. Get a f*ckin' job. Hey...in Majora's Mask..the world of Termina is supost the oposite of Hyrule, right? So, there must be and oposite of a Triforce there...it must be like...a Ovalforce...! -MankindUber-Bitch: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... No. Make a Metal Gear "I'm your daddy." T-shirt.Uber-Bitch: You'll buy one? I'm gonna hold you to that if we do make them. If you don't buy one, I'll kick your ass personally. Remember that. Helloooooooooooooooooooo Akemi!!! -HbombAkemi: Hi Hbomb! ^_^ Vote Hbomb for DMG Ice mascot! -HbombUber-Bitch: You again? And no, I'M gonna be mascot. I got to say, I love the Foy sweater design you have for sale!Uber-Bitch: Buy the Sweater. Cut the sleeves. Problem solved. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... That feels so good to get out of my system.. Sorry to anyone I dissed or swore at. I'm done. I won't be like this for a looooooooooooong time. ^_^ *mUaHz* (Non-Invisible Note from
Philip: And tonight.. I beat Majora's Mask. YAY! Normal type update stuff
can sort of resume now! Well... until Lunar 2 gets to my house...)