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Viral Speak 11-10-2000
What an election... here's my two cents.. but this time.. I won't be political. I'll be funny and correct. I want to show you something. It's semi-political; but very good. I will now switch into sarcastic mode. Once again, Florida is in the Nation's eyes AGAIN. Is it me or does Florida have a complex? First Elian Gonzalez and now the fate of the election. And the sad part is... we can't send Bush or Gore to Cuba. I've whipped up a little illustration to promptly demonstrate what should happen. ![]() Well, once we get the results.. I might make something else. But that
about sums it up for now. As for the whole "I voted Twice by Accident!"
deal.. you know.. I hope people buy that; because I want to use it next
time I take my ACTs and SATs. I'm going to fill in every circle and just
say I was confused by the baffling test papers. I'll also say I meant to
fill in the right circle! ^_^
Sorry, but I was extremely offended by your accusation that all journalists are evil. The problem here isn't all journalists reporting different numbers - it's that the state numbers and the Associated Press numbers are different, and those are the only two groups counting. Hmmmmmmmmmm.... we need more counters. - BicketyBamPhilip: Actually.. you all need beer. That's what the media needs. And if not beer.. let there be LOTS and LOTS of coffee.. drink it compulsively like I do.. snoop around where you don't belong.. be not afraid to be arrested! Oh, yes.. many times.. I could have been kicked out of E3.. but I didn't mind.. I needed to search... yes.. I'm the worst kind of journalist.. I track people down... and that should be the cue for Pitch Weekly or Village Voice to swoop down and take me away.. I got autographs from 3 of the guys in P.O.D.Philip: Oooo! Nifty. I have letters from Akemi! So.. Yeah.. I've beaten you. How do you get the goron mask? i really need to know!!!! - PikaloPhilip: Go to the Goron Village.. then get the Lens of Truth... use the Lens of Truth to find.. the ghost... What does Silver Wing do, o powerful and wise Philip? - A Lost Poke FreakPhilip: Without it.. Lugia won't appear... You know, last night, I was playing Pokemon Silver, and I got to thinking. What happens when a bug Pokemon flies into your windshield? - Floydian_ScumbagPhilip: Pat Buchanan. Imagine my surprise when I clicked your link, Philip, to the "nifty" site and saw my own page pop up! - pikamomPhilip: Yeah.. nifty site isn't it? Don't believe what you read in the coming days in the news about the presidential election- We all know that I was the one who won the presidential election. (Note: I'm not even American) - Infinity YakPhilip: YAY! That's the problem with American presidents.. they're American. he he he Hey... I got some announcements to make...Philip nods his head yes: Yeah, I put that song on my MP3 player. ^_^ And.. umm.. angry mobs.... EEP! I tried to use the uber-cool GB Mafia logo in Jet Grind Radio, but it says "File Type Not Compatible...Bummer, Huh?" when I try to use it.Philip: Hmm.. try changeing it to a BMP or a JPG... checked out your Metroid II link...ve-r-r-y interesting...lots of text...all in Japanese... - pikamomPhilip: Japanese GOOD! Doing Viral Speak pretty much every day...do you start feeling your sanity slipping away? - The HeptagonPhilip: I'm taking you down with me.. Hey, good to see that some of the other comics (especially B&W's World) will be getting some attention. Speaking of which, you should make a logobanner with Watchman, Chu Chu Mouse, Liber Man, Bonkier, AT, & the humans from Icebox. That would be cool. Speaking of Watchman, he should be your mascot along with the viruses. He's practically the comic mascot and he defines just how cool DMG Ice is. ^_^ - DukePhilip: Watchman is like.. a ten year old creation. ^_^ I started drawing him that way in 1994. It's my fault the Nintendorks won't update. Sorry. - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's MaskPhilip: I know.. but.. you.. failed to force Carl and Scott to shave their heads.. why! You know, if my name was Philip, I could just say this is my site and then I wouldn't have to do anything for Web Design class. But the chances of me being named Philip with one L are only slightly better than having my name be Mahanumilaki Zhetherinalazamubushami. - The HeptagonPhilip suddenly becomes.. Oni-Philip! (Capable of being an Evil Looking Force of Good!) I was reading Viral Speak, and whenever i saw text in all caps.. It stuck out and i saw it in 3-D. Is there something wrong with me, or am i lookin at the website too late at night? - BrianVOni-Philip: Yes! What's funny is on E3expo.com on like every page the say that no one under 18 could get in, not even infants. I swear Brian from The Nintendo Project got in when he was 12 right? That was when he worked with Nintendojo. Does IGN pay for the expenses? If they don't, how much would it all cost?Oni-Philip: $800. SAVE ME FROM THE FOYS!!! They're EVERYWHERE! They get in your food, they crawl on you when you're asleep, they keep banging into the light at night and making this clicking noise which is REALLY annoying, and they smell really bad!! The other day my mom got a Foy up her nose!! It's scary!! Foys are EVIL! EVIL I TELL YOU! They look cute and innocent, but it's all just a cover! They're plotting the end of mankind as we know it! I can see it now, the USA will become the FOYUSA!!! And everyone will have to paint their cars red with black polka dots! And all the Caterpies and Weedles and Spinaraks and Venomoths and all the other Bug pkmn will die, because FOY is the one true master of all the bug types!!! Save us!!Oni-Philip: Foy is good. |