Viral Speak 10-03-2001
Aki died today. She died when Square decided to stop making movies. I can say only one thing. Good. Now they can get back to actually making GAMES. Philip is listening to: "Officer, I swear she's 19" by Ten Foot Pole It might be a good idea to not ask why.... The events of September 11th have left me seriously angry. I too feel rage because of those sick jerks, but what we all must remember is that we shouldn't get angry at any countries, races or religions because of it. We must remember that it wasn't an attack from Afghanistan itself, but from an insane organization of hateful morons who just happened to be placed in Afghanistan. Just because Timothy McVeigh, a caucasian, decided to blow up a huge chunk of Oklahoma doesn't mean that every single white person on earth is an insane, shack-dwelling maniac who wants to destroy the world? And that because Shigiru Myamoto is a video game developer that every Japanese citizen spends their days making games? No. For the love of God, people. two wrongs DON'T make a right. Destroy the man's organization, not his homeland. When people get all hyped up about war and armies and "killin' them thar crazy Arabs", It absolutely SICKENS me. Please, people... spread the word. - Matt Stefaniuk, Sadistic Monkey Extraordinaire!Philip: Amen. I mean, seriously. Everyone is out for blood and seems to think anyone with BRAINS is some sort of terrorist. Oh, to clear something up.. Ryan Hamrick is a stupid little bitch with a bad haircut. ^_^ Do you have any idea where I could buy a GBC cart of that Beast Wars Second fighting game that was released in Japan? It wasn't based on the CG show, but rather on a Transformers anime. It had a movie that had Optimus Primal, however (they called him Convoy, however, as is the case with all Transformer good-guy leaders in Japan). - JohnPhilip: Hmm.. Toys N Joys is good. Write them, maybe they can get it for you. "Cast in the name of Alanis Morissette. Ye not Guilty."Philip: Thank you. I'm glad I have disrupted yet another dull day at school. BWA HA HA! Wahhahhh!! I ..*sob*..can't find *sob..* anyone to cling onto..! - Lonely Lonely ChildPhilip: Well, I'm clingable to I suppose. ^_^ Klonoa! Klonoa! Klonoa! Klonoa Rocks! Klonoa! Klonoa! Klonoa! Klonoa rocks! - SalohcinPhilip: But does Klonoa roll? Matt: *Reads HBomb's comment about Men Without Hats* "Hbomb: Guess it's One Hit Wonders of the 80's night here"Philip: Business as usual.. *Walks over to oddish bar* Get me a White Russian. - Slim ShadyPhilip: Well.. I kinda decided to drop the Oddish bar.. but.. I am taking applications fro ODDISH positions. Send a satire article to with the heading ODDISH OWNS ME. You need prior experience working with HTML, be FUNNY, and it doesn't hurt to be female, but that's not a pre-requsite. Hey Phil, Guess WOOT?!?!?!?!Philip: November 18th for the Game Cube. ^_^ I have the GBA 3. Nintendo gave it to me. It has backlit and up to 32 GBA in multiplayer mode. No cables either. 3 1/2 year battery life. Completly backward compatiable. And has Dreamcast graphics.Philip: Oh, good. It will still fit in my pants pockets. Eew. Gnihtemos dias I. Ereht. Eltit-fles 'Sllik Ytivarg tuo Yas ot gnitseretni gnihtyna evah yllaer t'nod I. Derob saw I. Yhw? Sdrawkcab egassem a epyt ot dediced I. - Nogatpeh EhtPilihp: Thgilf si Yof Emit eerf hcum oot evah uoy. Advance Wars is selling like crazy, way better than Nintendo expected!! WOW! This is great! Now maybe Nintendo will actually release MORE good games, seeing as how the "good game=good sales" truth has again been proven. Why doesn't Nintendo take more risks and release more awesome titles like Advance Wars? Who cares if they're "niche titles"? Even if they are, if they're good, they'll get good reviews and sell, especially in a market where there just isn't much variety right nowPhilip: Hurting for RPG goodness? Pick up Castlevania, and Bomberman Tournament.. they'll pacify ye enough until November..when Golden Sun and Breath of Fire head our way. You hope it's not a Secret of Mana squeal? Cripes! Why?Philip: Well, also.. all the people responsible for the GOOD Secret of Mana games.. left and became Brownie Brown, and Alpha Dreams. *a space alien comes down and uses Lady Rend's body to speak to the people of earth* Have a nice journey. - Lady RendPhilip: Did you bring me some Space Candy? I just wonder why the U.S. military isn't pouring money like crazy into Mech research... - ME_Philip: Who said they weren't? Oops... *dodges out of the way of the B-5 Stealth Mobile Suit.* "When you see a Square, you´ll see a Cube"Philip: With water you would have wet cubes. So things are settling down a bit it seems. America has been striked and we are almost on our feet again, still shaking with fear over what has been done. But what is next? What do we do? Do we return to life as usual or do we shiver with the thought that we really aren't the incridible supermen we once thought we were? I always knew that we could die at any moment. Commits, car crashing, tripping and breaking our necks... But now that reality has hit home. Where is safety? Where is our bubble? For the first time I think us americans are realizing that anything can and will happen. I miss the time when danger was only found through a controller. I miss my safety, and I want my protection. But it is gone. Will it return? Perhaps... But no time bloody soon. Hopefully we will all recover from this chaos. Long live the free will and spirt. - Salohcin GeenPhilip: Hmm.. where is safety? I know.. Safety is down here.. on this page.. with Poppy Seed. Watch her and feel safe. ![]() I read what people have said about the tragity. Sorry I did not have anything but I have been watching the news and this the first time I have been on my computar since then. Just pray for the people.Philip: It's called GT because it means Dragon Ball Getting Tedious. But other then that, it's all good. Just thought it was worth showing these pictures to people.Philip: Nice saying. Globe Flower Sushi is now available! Wash down the raw fish goodness with H-Bomb milk and Aipom Cookies! Don't forget the Mocha Kola! All this and more at DMG Ice Cafe! - Globe FlowerPhilip: Globe Flower.. she tastes like fish... wait a minute.. Dear Philip:Philip: Thank you. :) It's been far too long since I wrote in here... do you remember me, Phil? I was the guy who sent you the Lain and Eva CDs... since then, my anime collection has gone up about a billion times in size. :)Philip: Hey, I remember you. ^_^ Yeah. It's all cool. By the way, weren't you engaged at one time? How's that going for ya? I always thought the world was a cruel and evil place. Now I know for sure. But there is a singular silver lining to this cloud. For the only time in my life, I am getting the feeling that our nation is truly unified. I, like everyone else am proud to be American. We have mourned together and now we shall stand together and show the world how and why we are the leading superpower. have strength my fellow Americans, for as long as we stay unified, we shall never fall! - Admiral TailzPhilip: You know that people are passionate about something, when they are still talking about it for almost a month after it happens. Years from now, our children will read about it in history books. Very interesting thought, don't you think? I'm confused. - Tony DanzaPhilip: That's okay. Angela still loves ya. |