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Viral Speak 08-04-2000
Subtle are thy ways. Pristine, Concise, and Lethal...

PSM reports that PS2 will destroy Dreamcast, Dolphin, and X-Box! 



Only thing that would make that funnier is if they said it would destroy GBA -Camaro-Driver

Philip: That's why it's called "Plenty Stupid Magazine". X-Box... why would I buy that? That's about as stupid as Indrema..  I mean.. Linux.. yuck. Microsoft bad. Linux bad. Game Boy good. Microsoft's Console.. to quote "Sling Blade".. that's not "Funny Ha Ha"; that's "Funny Queer".
I decided to take a trip over to the Metal gear name Generator.

The first part is supposedly your personality and the second is an animal that has similar characteristics.

My name ended up being the cool sounding Crypto Asp...
Jazz- Decoder Poodle 
Adrock- Lovable Stallion 
Ice Blue- Energizing Meerkat 
Akemi- Infrared Scorpion
Yak- Bubblicious Man-o-war 

And Best of all was you Philip... Luscious Ladybug.

Foy rears his ugly head again.  If you don't beleive me try it yourself 

Besides its too funny for me to make up myself. - Beefy_B

Philip: And it's true... too. I think it's about right... everyone likes Adrock. Infrared Scorpion? Not sure about that though. I'm Lucious...
You need to start a Foy Shrine! If DMG ICE doesn't do it, I'll do it myself! - afree87
Philip: My shrine is not on-line.
Yeah, Chrisitan talk radio is quite bad.  All of the hosts seem to have the "Don't-even-think-about-considering-possibly-doing- something-remotely-bad-and-I'm-always-right" attitude.  If you follow this philosophy, the only things you can do are read the Bible and the books that these radio junkies have written.

A good example would be last November, the day that Pokémon: The First Movie came out.  Some guy from Paw Creek Ministries was on the local news, saying that Pokémon was a horrible piece of Satan's crafty work, because (and this is a quote, and it still puzzles me) "The children have to pray to the mystical stones!  And then the beasts get more demonic, and they are out of control!"

Woah.  Okay, in neither the movie nor the game do you ever have to pray to the "Mystical Stones" - I'm assuming he means evolutionary stones.  Second, the Pokémon only get "out of control" if the trainer is not experienced enough to handle them.  Like animals in real life.  You can't expect a child to handle a 200 pound Saint Bernard.  So you expect a 10-year-old kid IN A GAME to control a 28-foot-long snake made of rocks?

I don't know which is worse: That these people are out there, or that people belive them. Sebulba113

Philip: Well, you can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time. But you can't fool all the people all of the time.
Yesterday I overheard some little kids talking about Pokémon gin and kin, gold and silver, whatever, and they must have said that horrible word, "L*dyB*", about 25 times!  And their parents did NOTHING about it!  I screamed, "IT'S FOY! FOY! NOT L*DYB*!!!"  They all looked at me like I was nuts... Then the men in the white coats came and they took me away, but atleast they believed me... they said, "Sure it's Foy... Whatever you say..."  Now I live in the place with the nice soft padded walls and they even gave me this nifty white coat.  


Philip: Smash the Solid State!
what are some of the titles of your napster stuff?I have a crappy old version though... - titan25
Philip: I have a good amount of Game Boy stuff. ^_^ Great Greed, Metroid 2, Metal Gear Solid, Cosmo Tank, Survival Kids.. good.
*Chucks Flubby at Phil* Maybe you'll like it more than I did. 

Oh, and you know those rankings in the general boards? Since you started the boards and got to name your own rank, what would your rank be? I'm only a yellow virus right now, but soon I will be a cool goomba!

*Chucks Goomba at Phil*

I'm bored. - The Phantom Gamer

Philip: Have this Koopa.
Josh has 30 comix eh?!? Well I have........ 2! SO HAH!



My goodness, I'm pathetic.

*Goes into psycho comic work mode*


Philip: Uh huh..