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Viral Speak 06-05-2000
Work with me here, people! Work with me!

Man, I had my high school grad yesterday, and man am I ever tired... thank goodness you only do it once!  I must have gotten 20 minutes peace yesterday- ceremonies started at 8AM, Banquet at 6:30, Dance at 10:30, aftergrad at 12:30 which didn't end until about 10 this morning...  - Infinity Yak
Philip: Well, take a break. You finally graduated! I've already graduated.. and it's a hectic thing. I hear ya.
I think they should release the pokemon games in America no later than a month when it was released in Japan because, Pokemon are realy big over here and most kids like myself can't get enough. Also if they lowered their prices they would sell more which would earn them more mony ($$$). - Blaze Master
Philip: I suppose they could if they decided to cop out and do an SNK style translation. "Pikachu! I getting you!" "Welcome worlds of Pokémon!" "I leading Super Four against challenges all of you!"
Go to the picture gallery on this site and look at the Wind Fish (That big fat  whale guy) there. He looks like a bunch of hippies painted him. - NES Boy
Philip: Actually, I painted him. And I think he looks better than he actually does on the Game Boy Color.
Here everyone, the anthem you must start every post with.

Animaster animaster. He is our master, we bow before him cause he is cool.

There, now have a nice weekend, and I will supply you with websites and crap so this summer doesn't bore you ;) - Animaster

Philip: Whatever. Well, at least you promise to supply Viral Speak with crap this year. Keep up the good work. ;)
OK, you guys, I'm sorry for what I said about Super Mario Land 1. However, I did not say anything like it sucks, or is crappy, or anything else along those lines. I only said that the graphics were terrible (and compared to Super Mario Land 2 they are), and that it was my least favorite Mario game, which is true also. I mean, if I had the choice to play a great Mario game like Super Mario Bros. 3, or Super Mario Land, I would choose Mario 3. Just because Super Mario Land is my least favorite Mario game, doesn't mean it sucks. It means that I like all the other Mario games more than it. One of the main reasons I didn't like Super Mario Land as much as the others was because I didn't understand it. I tried stepping on a turtle then picking it up, and you know what happened? IT EXPLODED! I only played the game a few hours so I haven't 
had too much experience with it. I was bored and asked my bro what GameBoy games he had because I was getting bored with mine, he showed me, and I took Mario Land. It isn't even my game. Also, I don't like games with great graphics and soundcards and stuff. If there is no gameplay, the game isn't worth it. I like Zelda 64 a whole lot, but it doesn't compare to Zelda 1. (Speaking of Zelda 1, is it ever coming to GameBoy?)So, again, if I hurt all you Mario Land lovers out there, I'm sorry. Truce? - Chicky Monkey
Philip: Well, since you seem to be new to the game.. and since you obviously didn't get to check out the instructions.. I'll forgive you. Oh, those turtles are called Nokobons and they blow up. The game takes place in Sarsaland and everything is different from The Mushroom Kingdom. Have you gotten to the Sea Pop or the Sky Pop yet? Those are sweet, and the later levels are pretty cool. I mean, one of the levels has this huge row of falling blocks that are like two pixels wide. Super Mario Land 2 was a cakewalk. Super Mario Land 1 is a different story. Also, the two hidden coin rooms in the second level of the Chai Kingdom.. so sweet. I mean, coin heaven. And Tatanga is awesome. My least favorite Mario platform game.. would have to be...Super Mario Land 2. Mainly; because it was too easy for me. My fave is Super Mario Bros. 3.
Oh, BTW, have you ever tried entering Frequency 140.07 on the Codec? - Lafazar
Philip: Okay... No response. Yeah.. whatever. Oh, those red dots are laser sights. For guns.
I have tons of thing to write about( Like being a cult member, or make very bad fan art) but I won't.  I have better things to do.  Like down-load ROMs, or update my slug racing web page. OK, ok, my life has reached an all-time low. ( THEY wold not let me go to the Insane Cult Bbq )  Oh well... - *very board* insane cult member
Philip: Well, the barbeque was good though. We had magikarp. ;P
ok my mom is getting aaa's like tommorow or something. hi meowthar you're like insane and how cruel it was to try and eat beefy_b otherwise your kewl. buh-bye - pokemaster
Philip: Hey.. picking on Beefy_B is a tradition. :)
Ever wondered what would happen if the test of the Emergency 
Broadcast System failed?  I mean, like...

"This is a test of the EBS.  This is only a test."



Would the world collapse into hysterics without the guidance of the caccophanous (okay, I butchered that word) alarm?  Or would we no longer have to live in fear of our favorite shows being so rudely interrupted?

*shrugs*  Dunno where that came from. - caffeine_junkei

Philip: I think the EBS is kinda useless.
Just 'cos Metroid isn't one of Nintendo's biggest franchises in Japan (although I hardly think NCL would make a loss on it as you said ;-) ) doesn't necessarily make it less likely to appear on Dolphin. Maybe it'll be more likely...
EAD: We have too many franchises to update, we wanna do new stuff!

HY: OK. *throws Metroid license across oceans* Here, catch.

NSTC/Silicon Knights/Rare/Left Field/Retro Studios*: Ooh! Ooh! Me!
Ya think? I've described it in a lighthearted way, but it's a genuine possibility. Rare got Donkey Kong after all...And remember that NES Metroid sold platinum in Japan. That suggests that the theme's an appealing one to the Japanese, so if the game, on GB or Dolphin, was of a high enough quality it could become as popular again! Yeah!
Btw, Robb intrigues me with his mysterious plans. There could be a DMG Ice sweepstake about what he turns out to be doing. :-)

*Actually, aren't these guys former Acclaim employees? Dammit. - S- Cargo

Philip: I want it on the Game Boy Advanced... because I fear that if it gets on a home system.. they will try to make it 3-D. Which sounds like something former Acclaim employees would do...
I don't like pokemon but know everything about it, is there something wrong with me? Doesn't the brainboy suck?, shouldn't people buy the codebreaker instead?dammit - elpreviewer
Philip: Actually.. they could just bundle that anti-flicker option in one device and I would buy it.
Philip: Ha ha ha!
Ha! You think having the theme in only seven languages is sad? Well, besides the English and Japanese versions, I have the Team Rocket Motto and Song in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and a dozen others I can't remember cause its' 2 AM. I've even got Double Trouble from 2B A Master in Spanish and Portuguese. Iguess I'm a tad bit obsessed with Team Rocket. - Hopeless TR Fan
Philip: Cool. So.. you like Jesse too?
That Fatboy Slim post on Viral Speak is a little bit weird.  I never really listened to mixes and all that but I love the Renegade Master remix.  Especially the Old Skool version. - Boco316
Philip: I like that song.
I'm breaking through, I'm bending spoons, I'm feeping flowers in for bloom, I'm looking for answers from the great beyoooooooond... - Joltz
Philip: He's feeping the flowers.. ha ha ha.
I was watching scrambled TV last night in bed when I suddenly could make out some words. Brian Foy was in some movie about something. But nonetheless, it's Foy! Foy, foy, foy, foy, foy, foy, foy, foy... Yay! - JayGee1
Philip: What were you doing watching scrambled TV? Are you trying to watch sometype of illict channel?
Oh where oh where has my newsletter gone?  Oh where oh where can it be? - Beefy_B
Philip: Jazzman sat on it.
Rumors...  of Custer's Revenge?  I looking for that game as a small child and they gave it to me in a plain brown wrapper...  come to the subway...  with me...  yessssss...  Uncle Pat loves you... - Pat Patterson
Philip: Okay... nope.
You're still missing tons of new pokemon.You need to work on your pokedex alot.Maybe I will check back later to see if you have completed it. - Bakuf
Philip: Yeah.. whatever.
oooooooooooooooh i just thought of sumthin. i need batts for my gb but i can get one of those plug in things. where can i get 'em and how much do they cost? - pokemaster
Philip: Most stores like Wal-Mart have them. Fairly cheap too.
So I says to Mabel, I says, get your own monkey! So she gets a monkey! That's the last time I talk about monkeys(unless it's a sock monkey!) - me
Philip: Monkey is fun.