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Viral Speak 05-31-2000
Please.. spare the children! Oh, for those who asked.. a good import store? I like this one.

Where did that funky Cuke'mon thing come from?  And why does it resemble something you'd find for sale at one of those sites that 
this d*mned SurfWatch won't let me visit? - caffeine_junkei
Philip: I made it from a sprite. It's an enemy in Link's Awakening. A hidden enemy.. really.. you sprinkle magic dust on the thing that zaps you if you hit it with your sword. Why are you trying to visit those types of sites.. anyways?
Thanks for posting my bestest and most rarest card ever, I sent that to you ages ago.  I think I will give you another one hahahahahahaha(a suposed "evil" laugh)  Check your e-mail, If you dare... (it will take me a day or two to make it) - Stephen ( I think)
Philip: Umm.. cool.
Yeah I know that my name might get changed to Typlosion....Is that Official?

I heard of a lot of other names like Feraligatr, Meganium, and Bayleef?

I have decided to change my Ledyba to Foy and whatever the outcome I will name my Typhlosion...(drum roll) Bakufun! - Bakufun

Philip: I know.. I hope it isn't official yet..
Here is my "Epic"  GBC/DMGIce poem:

Where art mine Snake?
Tis in my GameBoyColor!

Wario... tis he evil?
No, just a hobo looking to make a buck.

Tis Pikachu a sly rat?
Yes, he always steals the good food!

Plymouth... having an affair with Philip?
I won't say.  What they do on their own time is their business.  (j/k)

Sailor Mercury... Phil's b*tch?
Of course!  Phil finds her computer goggles sexy.

Tis Foy the ultimate Pokemon?
DUH!  FOY IS DA MAN!! - Tick/HeeroYuy/ Lion O

Philip: Ok-ay.
My grandma made a bunch of monkeys out of socks for christmas presents THIS year.  she gave my sister the prototype.  In a day or two i will send you an image.  then you can have a look at that silent sock monkey.

http://surf.to/Boco316 - Boco316

Philip: Cool.
school is so boring, help me phil! - name
Philip: Quick! Stand on your chair and yell: "I'm the real Slim Shady!" That should make it more.. interesting for you. :) Oh, wait.. don't do that...
Philip!  Sailor Mercury!?  Man you are such a sleazebag,  cheating on me w/ that bimbo.  By the way, what is it with you and chicks with blue/green hair?  Nevermind that,  ITS OVER BUDDY!  I think i'll have Vegeta pay you a visit!  Heh heh heh.  You're in for it now!Oh yeah, and Foy RULZ OVER ALL! - Bulma
Philip: I never loved you. And go ahead. Send Vegeta. I dare you.
When is gameboy trivia??? I must know. And if you don't know, 
then give me a cookie. - CodeBlue
Philip: You can have a cookie.
Ledyba is good. Foy is evil. Ledyba is.. help, I've been captured by Nintendo. They're trying to brainwash me with their anti-Foy propaganda. I'm trapped. Somebody help me. Wait, I can always do this: *explodes* - Hbomb
Philip: Fight the Solid State!
I've seen many sites in my day, but this one takes the cake.Then it humps the cake, but its all good. - chippothenut
Philip: Okay... creamy?
Ashley can be a guy's name. There are also guys name Stacie. Certain names with e or y at the end can be used as a guys name, but they are sometimes spelled differently. Stacie can be spelled Stacy. However, both of these names seem to be more common as girls' names. - BrianC
Philip: Oh, cool... and EDUCATIONAL!