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Viral Speak 05-23-2000
I don't think people got the joke. No seriously. That first B & W's World comic is about this SITE. Which is a spin off of this site. The second one is a general observation. For a little background on it. The comic is something I started doing back in 1991. The main character "Watchman" is based on *gasp* a watch I owned. No, really. There are other characters in the comic. Because the main character -besides- odd sketch comdey, does a talk show. I've drawn over fifty strips with the characters, and I'm in the process of converting the better ones, as well as doing new ones. The main "problem" with the comic; would be that it dates itsself by covering current stuff. And yes, Craig is a nice guy; but honestly. The beta for Perfect Dark GBC sucked. Pure and simple. The game reminds me more of Mission Impossible GBC. And compared to Metal Gear Solid GBC.. Joanna is going to need to pull a miracle out of her leather bound *bad word* to make that game good. Kind of like how Sony better deliver some damn good games to get me to buy the PS2 after what I saw at E3. I mean, the best game for it is Metal Gear Solid 2; but you know that won't make it's Summer 2001 release date in time.  I wasn't impressed by Swquare's PlayOnline. In short, I think the idea is crap. Ooo, I'm a big wussy RPG gamer! I need to call for help to beat a dragon! Oh, and do you know how paper thin the plot is going to be? Yuck. Square should instead concentrate on writing a GOOD plot; instead of that "Let's all go online" stuff. Some RPGs shouldn't be online. One is Dragon Warrior, the other is Final Fantasy.

Does sock monkey taste like chicken? I think he does... <<Munch>> <<Munch>> - JayGee1
Philip: That's just wrong on many levels.
Team Rocket's Little Sister is called "Rocket's Sneak Attack" in the U.S. - secret asian man
Philip: Yeah.. I know... I know..
Ice Blue Puppet: WTF?
Gmem: Yes I do want the fries... - Gmem
Philip: They are the best fries ever.
Just one thing... you've got the wrong link on the MST of Team Redline 3.

And, uh, one other thing... Redline 4 is being MSTed also, but it's a big inside joke thing with some friends of mine... I'll still get it to you if you want it. - NeoVid

Philip: I fixed it. Sure. Go ahead and send it on over.
“... Robb strolled slowly on the path in the woods, which would eventually lead him to his favorite destination. #Gameboy had become his favorite chat room. Still, he missed #blue, and thought about it as he quietly kicked a pinecone along the path. He was carrying two things. In one hand, his "atomic purple" gameboy color, one of the few lasting rewards of Christmas 1998. In the other, a piece of paper marked "trivia". He had spent more than an hour and a half preparing this, and an immesurable time attempting to gain support for it. When Robb finally came out of the woods, a vast field lay before him, dotted here and there by pine trees. He knew a shortcut, but this journey would still be a long one on foot. Thankfully, a friend living nearby had placed a bicycle at the end of the forest for him, as was previously arranged. He got on and pedaled, thinking about the trivia. Many had said they would be there, but things don't always work out as planned. The bicycle was fast, and he soon arrived. He jogged to the entrance, and wasted no time in opening the gate. When he saw what was there, he was horrificly shocked. The only thing there besides himself was BowWow, which sat in the corner, buzzing and whirring as it scanned the room for cuss words. Robb was speechless. It was then that he noticed Techni, sitting behind the door, eating a sandwich. "At least ONE person remembered" he said to her. Techni looked up from her sandwich and said very plainly: "Remembered what?". Robb slowly shut the gate, tore the piece of paper in two, and got back on the bike...." - Robb
Philip: *Sniff* That's so tragic. People.. remember your trivia people, lest they someday go postal and kill us all.. or something.
Why'd ya set Craig on fire?  Craig's cool.  You're mean.  The PD game was BETA man...Although I don't care for Perfect Dark...In fact, I guess you could say...I hate Perfect Dark.

And Campbell's Soup. - Sebulba113

Philip: I hope to God that wasn't BETA. I mean, Beta is the "Just need to work out a bug or two and it's ready to ship" version. I know Craig. Craig is nice. But, they named Perfect Dark GBC game of the show.. and someone needs to pay retribution.
Hey Phillip "Dead sexy dude" We, could you send your army of Blue Virii over to Nintendo HQ and demand some Mario Tennis GBC screenshots? I want 'em real bad, like...a lot. Obtain them for me or I will curse and say "Le***a".- Tenryuujin
Philip: Well, we can try.
Hmmm... you know, NGPC is gaming ecstasy as well...

???: Sir, will you please give me your gameboy, as you have now pledged alegience to NGPC.

Me: No, you'll never take my gameboy! NGPC doesn't have the 3rd party support to survive.

???: Hand it over and calm down, sir.

Me: Never!

???: I'll force you to read shakespear as translated by TAKARA employees!

Me: Ick!

I'll never give up my gameboy! - Orochi p_fish puppet

Philip: For our readers.. "Orochi" is kinda like a dragon or something.
Just to let you know, Charizard2000 and I are going to make a comic about the general board members. No offense, but your new comic needs help. A LOT of help.;) Or man-eating suirrels. Man-eating squirrels always make a good comic.;)(If you don't know me, I'm the new mod for the General board) We would like to have it posted in the Snowflake if C2K ever gets around to drawing it. We have a good one about the Chu-Chu mice. - Globe Flower
Philip: Okay....
I can't read binary, so whats the joke? - Beefy_B
Philip: A rather funny one.
I bought Pokemon cereal and they have this thing on the back that says find the five Ledy Ba(tm)! That made me mad! good cereal though... - Whatever
Philip: Yeah. The cereal reminds me of Frosted Cheerios.. with marshmallows.
What happened to my MST? It's superhard to read. Is there anything I can do (and send you a third version ^_^0 )? - S- Cargo
Philip: Yeah, for some odd reason.. it showed up in my inbox all like that.. and I didn't have time to properly edit it.
You an britiny are only friends right?  You did not mean any thing? Wait there while I take off my Bra - Misty
Philip: Yeah. Woah. Umm.. nice.
Tell the people what the joke means!  Fine!  I'll tell them!
Translates to:
Take my wife, PLEASE!

Heh.  That one was on ReBoot.  Phil!  I'm so happy for you that you see things my way.

Unless (looks around) You have a thing for Dot. (Shudder) - Meowthar

Philip: Dot? Yuck. I'm not that far gone.
Honey FLASH! - Cutey Honey
Philip: Okay. Twice in one Viral Speak.. I'm starting to get worried.
Would you like to see my Bubble Blast? - Sailor Mercury
Philip: Okay. I'm officially worried; but strangely enough, pleasently surprised.