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Viral Speak 04-17-2000
Whatcha mean I can't have anymore Heaven?

Thanks.  I've never relized how good my screen tastes till I came here and left my pointer on your graphics.  Especcially if its static-covered! - mercatfat
Philip: We teach you new good things, we're educational. (Okay, Reno.. I win. Pay up.)
Moo Cow is everything, and everything is Moo Cow! JOIN US!!!!!! - Moo Cow
Philip: Behold the power of cheese.
All in favor of banging Parents who are afraid of Pokemon, Zelda, And All things Gameboy over the Head with a Foy, Say I!!!!!!!!! *Hit's rock worshiping parent with a Foy.* - Crawreb(The MewTwo Virus)
Philip: Well.. I wouldn't suggest banging them. I don't think that's wise. I mean.. I think Holly is married and it wouldn't be right to be banging her.
Wow - What's This
Philip: It's a script that gives me your phone number.
DALLAS SUCKS! - Nigel Awde
Philip: Four Dallas Cowboys are in a car, who's driving? Answer: The Police Officer.
Sorry about GBC trivia last friday. My computer died and after I managed to get it working again, Internet Explorer didn't work. I haven't decided when to reschedule it, but GBC Trivia shall return. - Robb
Philip: Excuses, excuses.
Philip, why is it that my posts havn't been appearing in Viral speak? Is my analytical and intuitive nature too much for you? I was just wondering, because I thought we had an interesting discussion going on over you're views of the letter and mine of your contradictions. I've also done several other posts under different identities of several unrelated topics that you've yet to post as well. I understand the values of space and such, and how that might inhibit your ability to respond to them all, and I'm not saying that you need to respond to the most intelligent ones, because then the posting would get boring with lame retorts and such, but even so... Sorry... I needed to get my complaints of the day out. All done now. Thanks. - Mindstorm
Philip: Why don't I post everything? Because.. when I check my Viral Speak E-Mail each night it usually says: "You have 85 new messages." Got it?
Auto Repair Service: Try us once and you'll never go anywhere again! - A Giant Stuffed Penguin
Philip: Cool. Oh.. wait.
Just letting you know... that one journalist Phillip talked to (forgot her name), and he told her the whole story about Pokemon? Well, I kinda like Digimon, so I think Phillip needs the whole story... Watch your mailbox Avardancer! ;P - The Boinker
Philip: Here's how I see it. Back when Tamagotchi was cooling down in Japan and Pokémon was heating up. Bandai unleashed their "Digimon" toys. The little Tamagotchi/Pokémon clone had a total of SEVEN different monsters. Then after a while, Pokémon became big in the states, and Bandai, unleashed a Digimon game for the Wonderswan (Their device). They ballooned the amount of monsters to several hundred in an attempt to get some of the market. The games failed miserably in Japan; but in the USA, they have gotten some acclaim. But for the most part, Digimon is a wannabe game. It wants to be Monster Rancher or pokémon. But I find the character design pretty nifty; but the names for the creatures.. sucks. I mean, I don't refer to everyone as "Ice Bluemon", "Adrockmon", etc? I mean.. what's up with that? I see Digimon as a clone. And I await your letter. If Digimon were a Game Boy game.. I might be more inclined to like it.
I just wanted to share some Pokemon TCG lovin'.

Here's the deck i use most of the time.  Its basically a Modified 
Bulbasaur and Friends deck, which is why i call it...

Modified Bulbasaur & Friends Deck

Grass Energy     12
Water Energy     12
Double Colorless  3
Bulbasaur         3
Ivysaur           1
Venusaur          1
Nidoran(f)        2
Nidorina          1
Nidoqueen         1
Nidoran(m)        4
Nidorino          2
Paras             2
Eggsecute         1
Tangela           1
Krabby            2
Kingler           1
Kangaskhan        1
Professor Oak     1
Switch            1
Pokeball          1
Pluspower         2
Defender          1
Super Potion      1
Full Heal         2
Revive            1

Alright i know it looks like a hodgepodge but, the large variety of 
pokemon lets me adapt my strategy for each person on the fly. Besides it helped me win 4 medals with no problem. - Beefy_B

Philip: Nice Deck. Wanna see my deck?
pokemon is the coolest - Y5AMAzing
Philip: I know, best coaster ever. And it comes in Red, Blue, and Yellow! Just kidding.
i think it should be virii.  virii sounds cooler.  also, i don't trust science teachers.  i have had 4 nutso science teachers in a row.  in 7th grade, it was a pedophile.  in 8th grade, our teacher had lost his upper lip in 'Nam.  you could always see his upper teeth and he talked with a twang.  last year, my teacher was obsessed with squid s...reproduction.  he also had a home brewing permit.  go figure.  this year, my science teacher is named dr. bob.  the only problem is it's a she - still notelf
Philip: Squid Sex.. that involves a lot of.. tentacles doesn't it?

YOU DANCE NOW! I SING POKERAP! - Strange Life Form Imakuni?

Philip: I remember this one time, for Vacation Bible Camp, I had to dress up as a giant Chicken Mascot. That was cool. I could hug people and they couldn't do a thing about it. Hot though. You're my hero.
Hey Philip! Hey guys! *waves*

Hey, listen, I think you gave me the wrong directions to that staff member meeting last week. The address you gave me got me to a national THQ developer's meeting at the motel 6... - PTT

Philip: My bad.
My bum is on the Foy! Bum is on the foy! LOOK AT ME! My bum is on the foy! - Tom Green
Philip: That's the best "Foy" post I have read in a while. Hope your nuts heal.
It's virii. Virus is the Latin word for, well, i don't know, but it's second declension and would therefore go to virii in the nominative plural. The Latin word for man is vir, and that's sorta close to virus. Too close. - greyleaf
Philip: Viral Speak.. IT'S PEOPLE!!
Philip Can I have permission to dance with Foy's toilet?

I love Foy!  Once I made all my passwords Foy! Then I changed them, MWAH HA HA HA HA! - RPGBrian(Profesional Psycho)

Philip: Umm... my God.. what have I done!
Hey, look, I'm hamster dancing!  De da de da de de do... - Joltz
Philip pushes another button on the microwave.
Hm.  A little box that we type in to keep ourselves buisy.  How interesting.  I feel strange tonight, lesse...  Oh, the doctors were trying to get blood out of me.  They didn't get any, and they turned me into Swiss Cheese.  Then, I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning till going to bed.  Why am I talking to you?  I must be bored that's why.  And maybe it's also because somebody is talking to me.  Nobody's with me though, and I'm all alone, but I hear him... o.@)=

Trippy.  I need to be off then, I hope you don't miss me (actually, I don't care), and maybe in the meantime, I will stop turning this funny shade of blue.

Philip: You think Nine is scary now.. bwa ha ha ha ha!
Once you've played pokemon card  for 20 hours and got the Schweet legendary cardz, whhere's the replayability, dawg? - Ph@tMaC
Philip: To the CHALLENGE MACHINE with ya.
I can't buy Pokémon Card GB. I have to wait til Easter. =( At least there's one good point to this... I don't have to pay for it with my own money. But I'd rather buy it myself than wait, but I have to wait. I have no choice.*begins crying uncontrolably* - The Unhappy, Charizard2000
Philip: I have two Charizards in my deck just for you.
I think we should make "Rediba" a cuss word on this site. That way, we can all save the time of having to type $#$*^#$ every time people make Philip swear. - CodeBlue
Philip: BRILLIANT! Than Nintendo will have to name it Foy! We can say stuff like: "Oh, go to REDIBA! You stupid MotherREDIBA REDIBA!" Oh, yeah. That's the REDIBA. REDIBA off, StupidREDIBA MotherREDIBA!!
I like Foy, you like Foy, everybody here likes Foy. - BrianC
Philip: Umm.... yeah. Or to try out my new catch phrase.. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Misty!(TM)"