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Viral Speak 04-10-2001
Have you ever wanted to WORK at DMG Ice? Well.. do I have a deal for you... It's something called "External Staff". Anyways, there's two levels of Staff at DMG Ice and I am offering a few positions as external staff. Now, here's what I need... 1 to 3 people to work on The Pallet GYM Fan Fictions Memorial. (I prefer that they be people who wrote at least one of those Fan Fictions, and it helps.. okay.. it's required that they know html and can get along with with others. I've had it up to here with employees bickering and bitching amongst themselves. If you can't work with people or put your petty, insignificant arguements behind you to get a job done.. I don't want you onboard, even as an external.) 1 to 2 people to work on the Mobile Edition. (Jazz is a very busy guy. He's not online enough.. and to be honest... he could use an assist or two. You have to work under Jazz, and I in this position and if you can work with the AdvantGo proprietary format. AND can update it regularly... we need you.) 3 people who have a sense of humour. (Yeah.. this is for the Oddish/Dispatch.) In other words, I'm combineing the old Dispatch with the Oddish. You need to be good at newsletter formats.. and while I'll also help out with articles.. you have to be funny. The Oddish will be a monthly thing. Just a rather nice HTML format Funny Paper with articles, a horoscope, and a "recap"o of important.. "events". It helps to be a smart ass. Okay. Now.. as an External staff member applicant... you need to have.. *gasp* some sort of knowledge of HTML. You need to be able to work well with others. You also need Yahoo Instant Messenger, AOL AIM, or ICQ. E-mail a resume (Yes.. a resume.) with an example of your work and some information on yourself. Please.. no attachments other then RTF, TXT, or PFD. WPS or other proprietary formats will be ignored. As External Staff Member.. you have perks. No.. I can't get you into E3 2001. So don't ask. (2002.. yes.. 2001, no.) For one, you get to comment on newsity on occassion. (Yup!) You DO NOT GET PAID; but you get recognized. :) Working at DMG Ice means you're pretty cool. So.. it helps you get work at other sites. Some people who work at other sites started by doing reviews for us in their own free time. (You do not have to be external staff to send a review.) Two, you'll get an @dmgice.com forwarder address. I'm sorry.. External staff is just that and has no access to main sections of the site or the main e-mail server thing. (So don't even think it, yeah.. you know who you are.) And three, there is no three. Send a resume to ME.
Philip is listening to: Well.. actually.. I'm hum a few bars and you figure it out. :) "You can't be a hero hiding underneath your bed. Got to live the life you create inside your head!" If you can guess it.. you're cool. Eh, I thought the "Team Redline" was OK, but it was too short and too fast. Some missed opportunities were present.Philip: Well, lots of opinions on that special.. tonight.. O_O Hey -- a new piece of Funtography... Game Boy KitePhilip: Hmm.. yup... spam. ;) I need a grande double carmel latte. STAT!!!!Philip: It was great! We'll definately have to do that again. :) So.. watcha doing next Saturday? I'd like to prevent the Blue Virii from starving, but I don't know what they eat. - The HeptagonPhilip: They eat money. Send Money. How come you always call Pocket IGN Pickle IGN? Is it like some kind of a nickname or do you hate Pocket IGN? - NeroPhilip: I don't hate Pocket IGN. But.. I noticed that Marc Nix's name in the forums there is a subtle jab at DMG Ice. (Nix Ice) Uh huh. Anyways, I like IGN Pickle. The Pickle part is a subtle joke.. I mean.. it's a playful jab. I also like to say "pickle". So, yeah. It fits. I mean, it's the nicest thing I've said about IGN Pocket. I mean... Peer is an Evil Robot.. Matt C. is Amish and Craig Harris.. Watchman set him on fire. O_o It's okay though. I figure. Why not? Joking around is fun. I mean, I've even done that to my own site. Remember Squishy? Although.. yeah.. the recent non-overflux of updateness is due to one thing and one thing only.. a conspiracy among the women of the world to keep me from updateing. My response? I don't mind at all. :) I'm surprised Ryoko hasn't attempted to kidnap me yet. O_o Do videogames lead people to take action in reality?Philip: Hmm.. but noone I know rapes Native American Maidens tied to poles or wanders around naked through mazes all the time. The new Pokemon movie is awesome...need I say more? No? If that is what you wish... - Ultimate NPhilip: I was sooo afraid they would ruin it.. because of the somewhat more mature plot... I mean.. the first one has 35 minutes of cut footage that had to do with cloneing and ethics... the second had the psuedo-religious references ripped -still beating- out of it's chest. But.. when the Kansas City Star (Which isn't worth the paper it's printed on.. even though they have the harshest critics ever.) gives it 2 and a half stars out of five and compares parts of it to "I never promised you a rose garden"... you know they didn't ruin the movie. *pouts*Philip: Yeah.. that's what Josh said.... oh, well. We'll see how permanent that is. ;) Um.... the coloring mistakes in Redline Battle.... uh, yeah, um... it was originally in black and white, but...er... Ted Turner insisted on colorizing it, and he's the one who screwed it up. Yup. That's the ticket... - JoshPhilip: It's like.. I mean.. it was odd.. but that's okay.. I mean. Oh, well. I mean.. it's Ice Box.. it's not texture rich like Weak Link. ;) "ZESTY!"? What the hell! First Hbomb gets left out of the summer special; added in as an afterthought. Then, Hbomb gets left out of the second half of Fresh From the Icebox: NEXT. And then, in Redline Battle, Hbomb gets omitted again; only appearing in the end in a <bleep>ing Taco Bell spoof. This rant is for Beefy B. This rant is for Meowthar. This rant is for Jazzman. This rant is for Ice Blue. This rant is for all of us that got overlooked in favor of Josh, Philip, Akemi, Techni, Bridget, and Infinity Yak. And then Josh announces that he's calling it quits. I'm pissed. DO YOU HEAR ME JOSH NICKERSON! DO YOU <bleep>ING HEAR ME!!Philip: Dude.. he did forget Ice Blue... and speaking of forgetting.. Ice Blue is older now everyone.. and we forgot it again. :( Captain's Log:Philip: Sweet. I don't know if you heard the news, but SNK is apparently suffering from serious debt (38 billion yen from what I've heard) and they're filing for bankruptcy. Either they'll be allowed to stay around and restructure to pay off the debt (I hope) or they'll wind up a footnote.Philip: I wish the best to SNK.. they have a 'functional' bankruptcy in Japan. Meaning.. they aren't bankrupt.. this is to alleviate pressure to prevent real bankruptcy. Here's what they need to do. Last Blade + World Heroes + King of the Fighters + GBA = Profitable again. I have a request. Have you ever been to www.nintendoland.com? One of the things I liked about it was the video game death matches they did, at first that is. Anyways, as time went on quality went down. And I decided to try to do better. So I would like to know if you would support this. I'd do all the writing involved so all you'd have to provide is a place to put it. So, are you interested? - Master FletchPhilip: Does Master Fletch need to read the external staff thing up above? Yes. :) Power to Magikarp! I beat the crap out of a guy at Pokemon League Saturday, with just a Magikarp! Power to the Karp!Philip: Flop to the left, flop to the right! Just do the Magikarp and it will be out of site! I ain'tent dead! - Nintendorks.comPhilip: YAY! Can I have a job? - GameFan employeePhilip: If I had my own magazine.. and the money to buy doggie snacks for you.. I would. :) Can I have a job? - Amazon.com employeePhilip: NO. Gah! You Philip fiend! Even though I knew the date and full aware of what it meant, I was NEARLY convinced by that demo thing you made.Philip: I think we should storm the gates at Working Designs, kidnap Lucia and Borgan and umm.. well.. deliver Lucia unto me and I'll hold her for ransom to get the to do the game. Also, toss Borgon out of a Mig and into Chinese Airspace. (Which on last mention by the U.N. stretches to Cleaveland.) I am begging and begging that the Lunar thing is not an April Fools' joke...Philip: I hate April Fools Day.. even though every year.. the joke gets more and more vicious.. PAW, if you want to make me famous by keeping my name up on the Viralspeak panel, at least change it to my handle, DeeKay.Philip: Oh, did UpStateLames call back? Saturday, around 2 o'clock. Read Adrock quoting The Bangles' catchy mid-'80s hit 'Manic Monday' in the Daily Newsity.Philip: I wish it was Sunday, that's my Fun-Day. It just occurred to me that if you're here updating VS, then nobody is guarding the mystical crystals! Ha! You fools! I will take them and rule the world!!!! - PhantomPhilip: Hagrid loaned me Fluffy for a day though. Also.. hehehe.. you should see the Dementor Viruses I have gaurding those.. hehehe try your luck.. MudBlood. You know what I learned last night? You should never read DMGice drunk. . . - Cyberxion101Philip: Exactly! You should read it when your tripped on LSD. Hey, we all make mistakes sometimes, man. Like when I drew Watchman with a torso and overalls. That was a big one. And people spell my name wrong, too. Damn Ukranian heritage!Philip: That's RETAINTATIVE not retentive. ;) I got a NUBY cobra light for my gameboy. It REALLY does make my screen look backlit. Not nearly as cute as my pikachu worm light, but pikachu just couldn't light up my screen enough and I got tired of going blind every time I play. I think I'm gonna take some of my sons' model paint and turn my cobra into a Lapras. My cobra is blue, what color is YOURS? Huh? - pikamomPhilip: Those Cobra Lights fly from the shelves over here. Model paint to make it a Lapras? That's sheer brilliance! Also.. I suggest Arbok and Ekans. :) I have two clear purple, one kiwi. What a cute cake. I'm going to tell you something now that will just confirm all your suspicions about me----I actually have a pikachu shaped cake pan and will from time to time bake and decorate a pikachu cake. In fact, we've been invited to my husbands' Aunt and Uncles' mansion for Easter and I'm going to decorate my cake as a pikamom. You've seen my pikamom gif, haven't you? With the red spiked hair and little blue dress? Anyway, Philip, you're one of my favorites too. I think Chip gets jealous when I'm always saying about Philip this and Philip that. - pikamomPhilip: You HAVE to get a picture of that cake. :) Oh, tell Chip that from what I've heard about him and Sarah on the UBB.. he's a great kid. Definately cool. Hi Phil, I was on AOL tonight as Jaberwokie101. Im sorry that I was acting so fanboyish, but I really love the site. Ive been coming here for over 2 years, and I love the humor and the fact that you truly seem to identify with your readers. Well I guess I just wanna say keep up the good work Phil, and again it was nice talking to you. Peace out! - Cyberxion101Philip: Hey, no problem. :) You're cool too. Strange coincidence: just after DaMaGed Ice was taken down, the company that provided that board stopped having message board services. So we would have lost it anyway.Philip: Weird.. O_O Well, it seems I've gotten addicted to MUCKs, or at least one in particular called 'Sailor Wars'. It's fun, but gets kind of weird at times because I have control of 4 different characters, my main character, two pets that are a boy and girl mouse, and another character who's my main character's evil sister. When the four of them are in the room things get crazy, especially when I make the wrong person do an action, like making my main character squeak instead of talk. - Lady RendPhilip: hahaha Cool. So.. you're saying that's one good MUCK? Does your husband know you're MUCKing around online? ;) To answer your question, if you're talking about the arcade version, possibly, albeit not so well :P. But, the NGPC SamSho2 was a lot like SS64-II, with most of the characters (actually, I think the only guy they didn't have was the dude who had a cannon for an arm and was a robot in Bust mode) and Charlotte. Maybe they could do Samurai Shodown! 2 Complete for GBA that would have the cannon arm/Bust robot and perhaps also Amakusa and Zankuro (who were in the first SS for NGP (no C). It would be a quintessential megamix. Also, they should fill in any gaps in the movesets. Just a suggestion to SNK if they visit this site :P - JohnPhilip: Swifty! (Sweet + Nifty) Hey if the GBA can run 300 polygons smoothly, it can probably do all of snk's 3d games at once. - fonebonePhilip: Oooo... OUCH. Yes, this is propaganda. Vote for me!Philip: I'm already sick of that.. it got older faster the Pastry Sex.. Philip! I will be your bride! - SasamiPhilip: AAAACK! \/\/00+! \/\/00+! - HipstrikersPhilip: When the Cherry Blossom starts to bloom, meet me here in my lonely room. Okay... you caught me. Now what, baby? |