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Viral Speak 02-08-2001
Who loves you!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Yes, yes, yes! I have finally made my way back to Dmg Ice! My stupid filter blocked it for no apparent reason, and so began my long exile! but that's okay, because I am finally back. *cries tears of joy* - waddle-deePhilip: Welcome back! Dag blast it! I just found out that they're not going to be releasing any of the Orange Island episodes on videotape! They're going to be jumping right from the end of the Indigo episodes right to the Johto series! I understand that they probably want to go on and release tapes featuring the newest Pokemon, but c'mon! Some of my favorite episodes were from the Orange Island series! I guess it's a good thing I recorded all those episodes from Kids WB! then :P - Farfetch'dPhilip: Actually, I think we'll see them all on DVD and video eventually. Because.. I'm almost willing to bet money that four to five years from now, we'll see them in a time slot between Tenchi Muyo, and Dragon Ball Z in Toonami. When Will we see more MST's? - Groo the wandererPhilip: Soon... hehehe. Oh, I dig your comics. Although.. seriously.. I like the Bone comics better then you. your amazon button...is...stalking me! - Wonk HeroPhilip: Llllucky. I just thought of a slogan.Philip: Hmm.. it would be better then "I got Virii!" What are you talking about?Philip: No. (Yes) Dear Philip:Philip: Actually.. the idea behind C3 is a bit different then other comics that feature real people. You won't see anyone refered to by nicknames. Because, I don't do that. C3 has a distinctive story. The story has a distinct beginning, a middle, and eventually an end. (It has seasons.) It's not going to be as vulgar as AT FREAK SHOW, or "wacky" like most of our comics. If there is an element of fantasy, I am either doing a dream sequence of a cross over. If for some reason I have a reader or staff member of the site in the comic, I'll use real names and have it based on a real picture. So, instead of "HBomb" it would be "Harold Price". Not "Pikamom"; but "Terry Regitz". And before anyone asks. Akemi IS part of Ms. Duarte's name. I prefer to call her Akemi; because I like it better than Megan. Will C3 be funny? Yes. But not sparodically, I want to do storylines. Continually evolving storylines. Make it like a real webcomic. Think Unicorn Jelly without fantasy elements. Yes, I intend to go for dramatic liscense, even if the characters look like they wouldn't be capable of it. In fact, I intend to make you laugh.. and I intend to make you cry. Snowflake Studios is blessed with some of the most interesting varieties of humour. We have our inside jokes and we have our drama. In particular, I would like to note that second season of Fresh from the Ice Box is a prime example. Not only did it skew darker. It had some damn good drama. It was darker then what I've normally seen in the Nick's excellent The Nolans. And I think we should all be damn excited about his next project with the Ice Box. If it's the last of the series, so be it. But, from what I can gather, it's going to be one Hell of a ride to the end. Josh should be on Keenspot. I think he deserves it more then a good bit of the comics that are on it. If Terry Crosby reads this site.. that's my offical endorsement right there. I'm very proud of the comics we have. I have my faves amongst the comics and, granted, I like certain comics better then others; but every last one of our artists makes something that is unique and special in it's own way. Criticisms or egotistical rants about how to draw aside. Everyone of our artists has a distinct style. Something distinct to say. Enjoy it. Oh, as to you being in the comic? Wait and see what C3 is about FIRST before you ask. You saw the Robb AT Freak Show comic, didn't you? Is the "fresh from the icebox" comic still running? - KaiserPhilip: Currently it's only running reruns. Ilove Gameboys esspecially pokemon games the zelda games plus im a big fan of this particular website many thanks and God bless u. - Kaylee SmeatonPhilip: Thank you, Kaylee. I'm glad you enjoy the site. Oh, the next Legend of Zelda games will be out in the USA by this Christmas. Trust me on this, you're gonna love them. Blast it!! Is there any way to change the nicknames of any pokemon I've received in a trade? Three of my main pokemon warriors have awesome nicknames, (in my head) but I can't change them!!Philip: Get a Monster Brain or a Game Shark. Those can change the names for you. Hey, It's Clay here from The Otaku. Just have to say that I love the site, and Snowflake Studios rocks!Philip: Oh, Clay I didn't catch you on AIM yesterday.. I need a picture of you for that thing. Are you still going to buy a DC? - fonebonePhilip: I have one on layaway. I already have my VMU. So.. I take that as a yes. And if you are wary of buying a Dreamcast.. don't be. Buy one. Go ahead. You don't need an N64, or a Play Station just right now. Get a Dreamcast, it's online, and once I have mine, I'll work on perfecting Official DMG Ice Jet Grind Radio tags as well as hanging out in Phantasy Star Online. So, if you have a Dreamcast, once I have mine and Phantasy Star Online; we can go adventureing together. I love Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. We have it at our local Nickel Arcade on free play. It's always being played. Save the children by touching them Mike! Save the children! - M3wThr33Philip: Micheal may be a bit.... odd.. but.. hehehe... he's in fun games. O_O If NGPC opperations were pulled out of America, and are still continuing in the land of the rising sun (Nihon) then does that mean that there will be a MOTM 2 in japan?Philip: Actually.. a lot of projects for that system were pulled.. :( But yeah, I want a sequel to that game. Thanks for THE GIFT. I just love Viral Speak. The thing about the gerbils reminded me of the hampsters my kids had. We had one named Bob, but he got eaten by our dog Annie one day. So the kids begged and we got two more hampsters. I asked the store clerk to make sure they were both of the same sex so there wouldn't be any babies to contend with, and we were assured we had two females. Well, lo and behold, one day we noticed these tiny, ugly, hairless hampsters in the cage. No pet store wanted to take them off our hands, not even for free. Pretty soon the babies were having babies. None of our neighbors wanted a hampster (well, the kids did but not their parents). So we put them in a shoe box and were going to set them loose in the pet store where we got the original two. It was an extremely hot day, and halfway to the store the hampsters started getting heatstrokes. We stopped and bought a soda, took the ice out and put it in the box with the unconcious hampsters. Now they were wet and unconcious. Some died. We threw the dead ones out in a field and came home. Some lived. They continued to have babies, so with nothing else to do, we fed them all to the dog. End of story. - pikamomPhilip: OH MY GOD. THAT'S HAMPSTERCIDE!!!!! What happens if Sega offers Square a bigger, more luxurious boat than Nintendo? - Pikachu2k3Philip: Are you saying that with a straight face? *sighs* The show 'Angel' is a huge disappointment to me after all. I had heard all this hype about it and thought I'd finally give it a shot. Well, I did...for about 5 maybe 10 minutes at the most. The show is horrible. Honestly if I wanted to see a normal looking person trying to be a freak I'll just head on down to San Francisco. What am I talking about? Well, the demons on the show. They don't even look like demons, just a normal guy that one day wanted to paint his face and glue horns to it, (for some odd reason). 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' is falling down that path too because it also had a demon in it. The only reason that show kept my interest was because of Sarah. *mind wanders for a moment...shakes her head* Also, what's up with them making vampires out to be ugly? I prefer the Anne Rice vampires better. They still keep their beautiful looking faces even when they're about to drink someone's blood or fight. 'Buffy' and 'Angel' vampires on the other hand look like they hit every branch when they fell off the top branch of the ugly tree.Philip: I hear ya. Evil does NOT equal ugly. I mean, in the Bible.. Satan is/was an Angel of Light. If you saw Satan, you wouldn't be like: "Oh! Hideous!" You would want to hug him. I'm sure Satan is a huggable bastard. Ya know? I wanted to thank the guy who gave me the plush thing and the Arbok something. Bad thing is I already had it. But anyway, this is my fourth post, while writing this I´m eating pie. Gameboygamepie. Yay. - MarkPhilip: Pie.. mmm... How is the GBA so good? Pleasure overload. I'm sure it will be illegal in Singapore.Philip: I hope it's not illegal in Singapore. Then Val and Eric can't get one, and that would be bad. :( Viral Speak hasn't had enough rants lately so.... Philip, what is your opinion on John Ashcroft? - CodeBluePhilip: I think he should have sued Mrs. Caranhan's ass. She won by a less than a 1% vote margin. (They both had 49% of the vote.) He should have been a bastard like Al Gore and sued for a recount. He would have won. I mean, instead he goes: "Okay, I lost." and does nothing to try and steal away her win. Then, she votes against his confirmation; because it's her party line. Some ingrateful bitch she is. She wouldn't have been there if her husband hadn't died. Oh, well. Here's to hoping she takes up flying small planes. Also, a note to any and all Democrats still bitching about the election. Please shut up. I'm reminded of a quote. "What's popular isn't always right." Speaking of which, Bush's tax cut is getting popular and I think it's the wrong thing to do. I do like his education plan. Oh, Ashcroft cleared 39 African Americans in offices today. And voted against 1. Yeah, that makes him a racist. As for his views on Abortion? I don't agree with him there. Also, a Republican majority is the beginning of the end for the media? An embracement of Censorship? What type of crap is that? Isn't the ISDA in St. Louis right now fighting against a Democrat introduced bill regulating Arcade games? Isn't Senator Joeseph Lieberman a Democrat? Tipper Gore wants to silence your music forever. If it makes you feel any better. The Democratic party currently sucks. Viva la Green! One more thing. Someone should just shoot Hillary Clinton for being stupid. I mean, when ever she opens her mouth, we are all made stupider by what she says. As for Bill Clinton, he will go down in history as the worst damn president I've seen since Carter. He did worse things then Nixon and was too much of a spineless sack to take responsability for his actions. And his last days in office? If Jeffery Dahmer were still alive, Clinton would have pardoned him. I'm surprised he didn't pardon Manuel Noriega, or Ted Kazynski while he was at it. |