Virally E*Rotic Speak
What can I say.. several Morpheous Downlods later.. I've got quite a collection of their songs. What will I do? Why go special order their CDs! Of course! Philip is listening to: "Kiss Me" by E-Rotic. Also on Philip's Winamp list right now..
Winamp Skin: The DMG Ice DJ Mewtwo one. Hey.. would you people be interested
in Snowflake Studio Winamp Skins? Have you already made one? Interested
in making one? I have original Weak Link/Squirrel/B&W's World art for
that specific Reason. Oh, watch out for V-Hunters.. coming this Spring.
"Shining like a Cat's Eye! Everyday is dancing!"
Hey Phill,Philip: Everyone keeps telling me that the site is fine the way it is.. hmm. UFO's eh? Hmm.. Have you narrowed it down to a specific thing on UFOs? I mean.. how about.. "Popular UFO Shapes" and include pictures? You can then go ahead and use movies, and books as references on shapes. Like for an example, you can site the popular silver "bullet/Disk" shape that is used in "Flight of the Navigator" and "Earthbound". I mean.. if you can mention GYGIAS in a school report.. go for it! I'm going to get some staff together to do MSTing and such soon for The Oddish. Hey Phil, nice DDR reference in Thursdays Viral Speak. I believe that song is on DDR Extra Mix on the PSX. It is done by a little group called E*Rotic. My fave E*Rotic song is 'In the Heat of the Night'. Love that song or something. Anyways. Random rambling due to bad cold... - Pobob the Happy MonkeyPhilip: Carried Away By A Moonlight Shadow! Gotta love that. Get well soon, because no one needs a sick monkey. SOCK MONKEY ANGRILY SITS THERE SILENTLY, YET ANGRILY, THINKING ANGRY SOCK MONKEY THOUGHTS. (In all caps for emphasis.) Philip: I said SICK, not SOCK. Has anyone ever heard the Group X song "Mario Twins?" Download it on Morpheus sometime. It's hilarious. :) - boobooPhilip: Not yet. But it may end up on my play list. Palindromic! Wee! - The HeptagonogatpeH ehTPhilihP: Step on no pets! Not a radar, a ton! Evil I live. I clicked on Poppy Seed. I then found out that was a Black Knight. Unfortuantely, now I feel an urge to go guard bridges and get my limbs cut off by a roving knight searching for the Holy Grail. What should I do? - CodeBluePhilip: I was a Kindly Ruler. I think I'll send you to die in a crusade. Sound good? ^_^ You lucky person. One of my friends was a Wandering Discoveror. Where's my damn FaceBall 2000 sequel? Nintendo is still in business + Bullet Proof Software is still in business + FB2000 is a kick-ass game = make a friggin' GBA sequel! The psycho happy faces get no love :( - BlakePhilip: Hmm.. well.. for now there's Dark Arena, Ecks VS Sever, and Doom. KISS ME! I HAVE THAT DDR SONG! Err *turns off caps lock* That's my favorite all time song. I especially like the RUR LUL part... YUM!(King of California) Philip: Sweet! No go update Mobile Edition! BWA HA HA! Or I'll send YOU on a crusade. I've seemed to have disappeared from existence because I've been running Mage Knight games, and trying demos of the new systems.Philip: Wanna MST something with me? I mean.. The Dawn Spawn? My guess would be the Legendary pokémon are asexual. Either that or immortal. Hey, maybe they're like the phoenix in the Harry Potter books, when they get real old they burst into flames/lightning/ice/psychic aura/whatever and are reborn. I have found Satan's incarnation on earth. He's in the form of this computer I'm using. (I'm not calling it mine because it's actually my mom's and besides, I wouldn't WANT to own this thing. Except maybe to destroy it) I often times must restart it or shut it off incorrectly many MANY times before it decides to work. Once the DSL modem my mom ordered arrives and is installed I'm setting up this old computer we have in my room so I won't have to deal with this one crashing/freezing all the time.Philip: ph33r their l33t asexuality!! Pros and Cons of LinuxPhilip: Could be worse. Try uninstalling Linux.... or installing it on a Laptop.. where are my clothes? - Naked ElfPhilip: Honestly, lady.. I don't know. randmoness...i am a cat! - clarynetPhilip: My Ribbon's red, my whisker's long. My paws are white as snow! And everyday I sing this song, no matter where I go! Because.. I'm a CAT! Aftercourse: What a Viral Speak that was! Unico, E-Rotic, L33TISH, and Linux in one fell swoop! Hmm.. I noticed that the Goldthingies kind of fell apart. So, I'm just going to do this. Philip's MASSIVE GOLDTHINGIES!(Stop stareing..) Best GBC game = Harvest Moon GBC 3/Dragon Warrior 3 (Tie) Best GBA game = Advance Wars Best Platformer: Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword Best Action Platformer: Mega Man Xtreme Best Over-Looked Platformer: Wendy: Every Witch Way Best RPG Story: Dragon Warrior 3 Best Over-Hyped RPG: Golden Sun Best Under-Hyped RPG: Harvest Moon GBC 3 Worst possible game to have come out on September 11th: Advance Wars Best Over Looked GBC Game: Toki Tori Best Over Looked GBA Game: Nancy Drew Mysteries Best Multi-Player: Bomberman Tournament Best Liscensed Game: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (GBC) Best Sports Title: Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 Best platformer involving a potential lesbian: Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword/Lady Sia (Tie) Best Extremely Evil Puzzle Game: Chu Chu Rocket Best Sewer Shark Impression: Iridion 3D New Game Character Philip wants to snuggle madly: Domino! (Umm.. Sami.. I mean.. yeah.) Best Background Music in a GBA game: Wario Land 4 (Dude.. the background music is vocalized in spots...) Best Background Music in a GBC game: Dragon Warrior 3 Even Wayforward Technologies can make a mistake: That WWF game that I never wish to speak of again. Best Box Art: Lufia: The Legend Returns Game that REALLY needs an animated series: Lufia: The Legend Returns/Advance Wars (Tie) Game that REALLY should have been better: Wario Land 4 Game that got robbed of best platformer: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Best Racing Game: Mario Kart Super Circuit Game that hurt my hands: F-Zero Game that hurt my eyes: Doom Game that hurt my brain: Chu Chu Rocket Game that hurt my feelings: Wario Land 4/Golden Sun (Tie) Game that should have come out this year: Mythri Game that comes out next year that I really want: Shantae Game with the best pretty GBC graphics: Harvest Moon GBC 3 Game with the best use of anime cut-scenes: Bomberman Tournament Game with the best pretty GBA graphics: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Revival Game character that is the most kissable: Chun Li (For the Guys.. or ladies.) Zero (Fro the girls! Or the guys.. I'm not gonna judge anyone here.) Worst website for Game Boy News: DMG ICE Best site for news: Not us, that's for sure! Games that should be mentioned just because they also rock: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle Series, Eck VS Sever, Breath of Fire, Mega Man Battle Network.. and others. What you are most likely going to do now: Stare at Shantae/Send me a hateful Viral Speak and argue with my choices. (Tie) (Buy her game when it comes out or suffer greatly.) ![]() |