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Viral Speak 01-03-2001
Short? Yeah.. very short...

Don't eat Aipom cookies! They are bad for you! - Aipom
Philip: I know.. but they taste.. SOOOOO DELICIOUS!!!
9#i1i9, YUO R TRYIGN OT IMITAET ME RN'T YUO?!1  GO EAT A BAG OF HEL!!!!!111111111111111111111 - JEFF K.!!!!!!!!!!!
Philip: Who are you?
I am very much curious about the popularity of Gundam Wing. Sure, I love mechs. Heck, I loved going to my local Virtual World in Pasadena (SOooo close) and torturing newbies. But I really have no like for the show. Are we so desperate for 'mech shows that we will take whatever we are fed. I saw about 3 episodes, and when all they did was talk for 15 minutes it got real boring real fast. Mechwarrior 4 0\/\/ |\| Z!!! - M3wThr33
Philip: My little sister loved that show when it was on.. mainly because of the talking. She can actually follow the plot a bit.. and she's only 8. ;P
i r sorry,oh great philip. - titna25
Philip: Huh?
What happened to the DMG Ice mobile edition? I want one! - Mankind
Philip: Jazz needs to update it. ^_^
Here's a story:

Orochi p_fish is an avid fighting game fan.

Orochi p_fish buys a Dreamcast.

Orochi p_fish buys King of Fighters '99.

Orochi p_fish finds out it is just King of Fighters '95 but with a NGPC 

Orochi p_fish is sad.

Orochi p_fish buys Capcom Vs. SNK.

Orochi p_fish is happy.

Capcom Vs. SNK is fun.

Capcom Vs. SNK's secrets unlock way to slow.

Orochi p_fish waits for his next paycheck.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 are on his list.

Orochi p_fish realizes that DMG Ice is a portible gaming site.

Orochi p_fish realizes that DMG Ice is a Gameboy site.

Philip bops Orochi p_fish.

Orochi p_fish is bopped.

- Orochi p_fish

Philip: Happy Endings.. gotta love them!
The bottom graphic in this box is stupid. It has no ALT text. Point and laugh at it.
I like being blue and white. BUY A GAME!!!