GAME NAME Game by COMPANY Reviewed by PERSON Size: If needed or known. Save: batteries/cards (slots?) Released: YEAR Works with: SySTEMS ESRB Rated: Content Rating Rating Descriptions: Content Descriptors Quick Opinion: Own/Rent/Et CETRA **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: (How should I start this? Will there be spoilers? Any review with MAJOR spoilers in it must list the final score and letter grade in a provided section in these opening snide remarks.) Spoiler Final Score/Letter Grade: (If applicable. Remove this section if you have no MAJOR spoilers in your review. Major spoilers are only included if they adversely affect Gameplay/Play Control/Game Design.) **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: (How does this play? Is it fun? Describe how to play the game and if that play is compelling.) Liked: (What's good about the gameplay?) Hated: (What's bad about it?) **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: (How's it look? Does its style work for it? Does it use the system it is on well? Do not compare graphics to other systems or to other games that are not from the same company/genre.) Liked: (What part of the graphics did you like?) Hated: (What part did you hate?) **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: (How's the audio? Please try the game with a good set of headphones. Does the ambience/folly/score make sense? Do you find it memorable? Was the voice acting convincing? Also list if a sound test is available.) Liked: (Good stuff?) Hated: (What was bad or annoying?) **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: (When you press jump; does your character jump? Is the game confusing in level design, or other areas? Ackward menus? Does it have a terrible lag? Is the design obtuse? Is the design flexible or linear?) Liked: (Good stuff?) Hated: (Bad stuff?) **************************************************************************** Improve: (If they do a sequel what would you put in it and how would you improve the game? If there was a sequel, did it meet those ideas?) RIYL: (Reccomended If You Like. For example: If you like Castlevania; you may like Metroid. If there is nothing else like it in that genre, what genre is it the closest to?) **************************************************************************** Final Words: (Any last comments? Why should I buy/not buy this game? Make your last sales or non-sales pitch.) **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: 1 to 5 stars (Fun, interesting?) Graphics: 1 to 5 stars (Good use of power?) Sound/Music: 1 to 5 stars (Composed well? Appropriate?) Play Control/Game Design: 1 to 5 stars (Responsive, well-planned?) Value: 1 to 5 stars (Worth buying at the price it originally launched?) Star Total: Add up the stars; they should equal a number between 0 and 25. Now multiply that number by 3. This should give you a score anywhere from 0 to 75. Add a % to it for the Star Score. Personal Opinion Merit: Anywhere from 0 to 25. Add a % to it and that is the Merit Score. Add the Star Score and Merit Score together for the final % score. Final Score: % (Note on scores: 0 to 50 is F, 51 to 60 D, 61 to 70 C, 71 to 80 B, 81 to 97 A 98 to 100 S. There are no plus/minus modifiers.) Letter Grade: F to S ****************************************************************************