The Shocking Truth about 9/11!

The following article is intended to inform not of opinions, or theorum; but of truth. "Cum hoc ergo propter hoc!" This trite treaty is instantly intended solely and surely to bare forth illumination and volume to light the deep, deadly, dangerous, and darkly sorid secrets such that we may righteously rise up and rectify gray grievances that ashame and altruistically alight an allegorical altercation. Before you read this article may we offer a bit of insight on how you must read this article.

In reading this article, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand.

Why should you be confused on a mental crepuscule such as that? This is on the Internet and that means it MUST be true. That stated, please keep an open and positive mind to the potential that such a thing may truly be the Ttruth. Truth is defined, not by fact nor logic; but by the ability to see beyond what is accepted. Imagine Accepting The Truth. For say, we accept that what we are told is Truth, even when logic and thought may reveal otherwise. We are told by Them that water, ice, and fog are one of the same. However, we should look closer at the nature of water. Water is a wet item and ice is not wet. Ice must not be water; but we are told by Them to accept that water and ice are the same item when the two clearly do not share the same properties. There is no insult like the Truth. Real Truth is not an apophenia. Do not take insult to the Truth.

"Are you like a crazy person?" "I am quite sure that They will say so."
-V For Vendetta (Movie)-

The events of September 11, 2001 are the cause of much debate amongst those who would want for truth. It may be best for us to jump forth into this article without further delay. This outcome is inevitable.

Thomas Holbrook the Second (II) caused 9/11.
It'$ true!
So Dark. The Con of Man.In order to fully realize what mu$t be true, we need to examine the hidden evidence of hi$ connection to the alleged attack$ by alleged terrori$t$ (LOL). But fir$t, I must make the $tatement$ that I $hall prove with my evidence.

1. Thoma$ Holbrook the Second (II), along with other author$ dedicated to Wal-Mart McOpCo Halliburton's payroll, pre$ent$ artificially created "evidence" to incriminate the U.$. government a$ a whole for the alleged 9/11 "attack$." The alleged evidence created to hide the TRUTH that you de$erve to hear.

2. The evidence point$ toward a high ranking con$piracy; but not the kind that people $eem intent on buying into. In $hort, the evidence present$ that a large $ecret organization dedicated to Capitalizm and the creation of "Buy Fad$" in an attempt to pin the U.$. Government a$ a whole to the alleged 9/11 attack$ and away from the real ma$termind$: Wal-Mart, McOpCo, and Halliburton. I will PROVE thi$ connection to you. Thi$ plan was called: "Operation Falling Freckle Face" by McOpCo and is part of the long run plan by Wal-Mart known as "Operation Falling Prices." Thi$ may al$o be connected to the top-$ecret document #23-17-42 found in the office de$k of David D. Gla$$ during a Royal$ game. #23-17-42 i$ the Halliburton document: "Operation Falling World Trade Center Tower$." I will $how thi$ evidence conclu$ively in a ab$olutely true manner with no fallacy.

3. The real rea$on for the alleged attack$ and why they happened.

Becau$e of clarity rea$on$, I $hall now drop the dollar $ign$ and hyperbole; because you are reading this from a printout from the internet and -most likely- are confused by a large amount of odd symbols. Maybe you are a poor minority and you may not recognize what is implied with the $ symbol; because it does not appear on food stamps. The $ symbol implies MONEY, and it is something you can not ever hope to have in the Capitalizt world that the alleged 9/11 attacks are pushing us toward. The symbol used here implies a lot of money, cash, "bread." They are pushing you toward a future where you, blinded by flag buying "Buyerizm" will never afford the finest bling and Scarface style food. No, you will barely be able to afford your Orange Drink, Chicken, and Watermellons in their world. They think that you are ignorant and stupid. They step on your "game" by making you the victim of their "game." You deserve the Truth and 911Truth will not give that to you. WE WILL. We will blow the dollar-fucking lid off the THB Conspiracy and the alleged 9/11 attacks. Yes, we said DOLLAR-FUCKING. Because this is the Truth and can not be made pretty for the sheeple.

This may be odd to many; but the connection to Thomas HolbrookThe Second (II) and Halliburton is as simple as his name. First take a look at his name really quickly and tell me what you see: "Thomas Holbrook the Second (II)" When you re-arrange some of the letters in his name you get this word:

H A L B R T O N.

What does this mean? Is it a coincidence? It means quite a few things. Take a look outside of the simple "Buyerizm" SHEEPLE mind-frame and open up your intelligence to your true potential. Unlock the dusty caves they think inhabit your head and look very closely at the word "SECOND." This can be written as (II) or an L and an upper-case I. The bracket, when turned to a 90 degree angle is a U. Let us look at what his name spells out, one more time for clarity.

H A L I I B ) R T O N



What does HALLIBURTON do? They are one of the main top groups making trillions of dollars off of pushing you toward their Capitalizm via the alleged 9/11 attacks. Why did they do it? The answer is simple: MONEY. But let us look at even closer, shocking evidence of Thomas Holbrook The Second (II) and his connection to 9/11. Note that there are EIGHT LETTERS in his last name. If you add I to his name, you get NINE. If you add TWO (for SECOND) to his name and then If you add I to his last name, there are TWELVE letters, if you subtract that red herring I from that sum, you get ELEVEN. Thus 9 & 11.


Only TWO alleged planes hit their targets in New York on 9/11 and that is precisely the amount after Thomas Holbrook's name: TWO. The Pentagon has five sides; but if you subtract THREE from that number (the amount of letters we added to Holbrook); than you get TWO. The final plane that allegedly did not hit it's alleged target (WARRENSBURG MISSOURI) was flight 93. Just like what we added together to get 11. Just like the amount of letters that are there inside Thomas Holbrook's (II) last name. Witnesses have stated that Thoms Holbrook is going for an ENGINEERING DEGREE of some sort. Although some claim he is looking for a Computer Sciences degree. Computer Science is just engineering on a mechanical, number crunching level on a computer. Halliburton is a large ENGINEERING company. Thomas Holbrook has given us subtle and extensive clues to use to prove that he is indeed a corporate shill for Halliburton. Very clever, but we can see right through that by thinking outside of the box. That carefully concealed box. Also, his last name contains the letters H and B. Just like Halliburton, or the name: Huberty.

Who is Huberty? James Oliver Huberty is the name of a 41-year old man, who on July 18, 1984 killed 21 people before being shot to death by the police inside of a McDonalds (Owned by McOpCo) resturant in San Diego, California. There were twenty-two people who died when we include the gunman, who has the same two letters H & B in his last name. Half of 22 is 11, just like September 11. There are even seven letters in Huberty's last name. You can add HB to those seven letters to make NINE letters. Yes. NINE-ELEVEN. Three of the victims in the McDonalds massacre were 11 years old. There is a McDonalds in Warrensburg, Missouri. Warrensburg is where Thomas Holbrook is trying to get his degree. A degree... in EVIL. McDonalds is officially created by a Ray Kroc and the number for a McNugget Extra Value Meal was ELEVEN, the McNugget Extra Value Meal number is now NINE. Yes, MEAL NINE used to be MEAL ELEVEN. NINE-ELEVEN. Available in a six piece or a 10 piece. If we add III to Holbrook's first name we get NINE letters, and if we add III to his last name, we get ELEVEN. See how simple this truly is? Not only is he connected to McOpCo, and Halliburton; but also Wal-Mart. Sam Walton is the alleged creator of Wal-Mart.The Chief Financial Officer for Wal-Mart is THOMAS SCHOEWE. The connection is very obvious and as plain at his first name.

Thomas Holbrook The Second (II) is a corporately code-named operative who is on their bankroll. He is in charge of spreading DISINFORMATION about what really happened on 9/11.
No relation to Phillip, Curtis, or Chris.
Former important person at WAL-MART. EVIL.
(Owns The Kansas City Royals, they suck.)

So, what really happened on 9/11?


The alleged planes took off and were secretly landed in Bentonville, Arkansas where the government sattellites did not pick them up, due to the parts of the sattellites being made by companies that also supply products sold at Wal-Mart. They were simply turned off remotely by H. Lee Scott at the request of David Glass. H. Lee Scott is the CEO of Wal-Mart. The passengers were all killed by exposure to footage of The Kansas City Royals and were made into the secret ingredients inside of McDonalds Mac Sauce. The planes were then filled with over stocked items that Wal-Mart could not sell, including many flameable Hello Kitty toys, Unsold Sega Dreamcasts, and old batteries. The planes were also filled with expired Chicken McNuggets and hamburger meat to make it appear that there were "extra crispy" body parts found in the explosions. The planes were then flown by remote control into the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon to make it look like the US Government had attacked their own buildings and used the attacks to cause trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan. The fourth plane was going to hit Warrensburg Missouri and elimate the people who could connect the dots. However, the batteries were made by Sony and ran out before the plane ever got to Missouri. The government thought that it must be terrorists and unwittingly went straight into Afghanistan and Iraq, causing many of the people living there to move.


Only 77 Calories!
One of the bodies from Flight 77. Alex Jones says the government planted it.
Alex Jones is an idiot. This is obviously CHICKEN GOODNESS.


There are no Wal-Mart stores in Iraq and Afghanistan. This was all done to relocate tons of potential customers into other countries where they would be poor and have to rely solely on the products that McDonalds, and Wal-Mart sell. Head coverings at HALF PRICE! Then who would swoop in and fix up what the US Army destroyed? Halliburton of course!

September is right before October and November; but it is the end of the BACK TO SCHOOL SALES and before true HALLOWEEN, CHRISTMAS sales. The purpose of September 11 was to reinvigorate sales based on FEAR. People stocked up on food, flags, supplies, and other items because of fear over terrorism! All of the new Arab customers would end up in McDonalds ordering a Big Mac (Beg MAHK) with COKE and a side of MAYONNAISE. Then the conspiracy sites would clean up the rest by pinning the crimes on the US government allowing for higher sales of DVDs, books, and Anti-Bush CDs at Wal-Mart. Books that are both defending and attacking the US government.. which would now be a hot topic of discussion. Wal-Mart is the world's largest importers of goods in the United States. The attacks were a calculated bid to expand their customer base. This is known as the afore-mentioned "Falling Prices" strategy. In which someone or something falls to allow a slow raise in prices. Wal-Mart also sells a lot of GASOLINE. GASOLINE IS OIL AND OIL COMES FROM IRAQ! Smaller companies would end up being higher priced than comfortable oil giant: Wal-Mart. McDonalds would have new customers. Customers who may not order anything with bacon; but they sure do love their Big Macs! Halliburton, would be able to just clean up and make nice with the government in a bid to fully cover up their involvement.
Look at this.

And there you have it! THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11! What you read on many sites is inaccurate and terribly flawed! Do not be a SHEEPLE! Fight the W, and by W.. we do not mean Dubya. We mean WAL-MART. Turn the W upside down and you have M for McDonalds. Take that W appart and you can make H which is for Halliburton! Fight the evil Capitalizt regime makers! We must make those companies pay! HANG THEM LIKE THEY ARE SADDAM!

Remember! Oh, remember what you read this fifth of November! You read this from the internet. Therefore, it MUST BE TRUTH. WHY WOULD THE INTERNET LIE TO YOU? THAT'S JUST WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE! The truth is that people like Alex Jones, Thomas Holbrook, and others are just fronts for the secret evils! Ronald McDonald knocked down the Two Towers. And why? Truly why? Easy, really. Look closer at these pictures. LOOK CLOSER AT THEM!

So Dark. The Con of Man.

No relation to Phillip, Curtis, or Chris.

This article of truth has sprung forth on this, the 5th of November, 2006 and is article 23 of what could be the 17th of many an ongoing investigation into the truth.
Photos Courtesy of The Asphyxiated Press, and various other sources.
Tommy, I'm kidding. We all love you, man. It's cool. Christine! Thanks for the David Glass tip. The EVIL! EEEEEVVVIIILLLLL!!!