Oddish Uncut 3! (These are complete Pika Christian Consortium. Some links may not work, sorry.) (These are compiled between 1999 and 2000.) ![]() Dedicated to the preservation of the family. (Warning: Because of
the extremely offensive satire that is mentioned here, I would like to
warn readers. It's bad! Read it.)
Bless you, jerk! Amen, and stuff. The Honerable, Unjudgeable, and Irrevocably Fair, Reverend Piky is now presiding. Listen to my sermon. "Friend of Mine" is an enemy. Now, we all have heard of the tragic incident in Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Sadly, none of the teenagers shot in that incident were part of degenerate society. But, the threat to decency that the two gunmen promoted is once again at work in this sleepy town. I am truly saddened by the horrible deaths of cheerleaders, jocks, and various productive people. Unfortunately, only a few of the victims were of a Protestant religion. As any good Christian knows, Protestants are a blasphemy to the Truth. Downplaying the importance of Baptism, papal control, and confession. And believing that a simple poor carpenter could save us all. No, that is not true. Following the Laws will save you. Back on to the subject, the shooters were from well-to-do families; but yet, they engaged in seriously detrimental acivities. Such as "Books" and "Music". In what was most likely inspired by the horrible "Dead Poets Society"; they would form groups of young individuals bent on being unique. They found guns and used the guns to shoot people who were not Mormon. This in itsself is a horrible tragedy. But to make matters worse, a CD Single has begun circulating on the internet entitled: "Friend of Mine". The CD contains a song that is 2 minutes and 20 seconds long. Those letters mean B and T. B being 2 and T being 20. 2:20. After research on this. I concluded that this must be a reference to a scripture in Revelations that mentions Jezebel. And therefore, the song itsself points toward the false teachings of Jezebel. When played backwords, the song seems to being saying a derogatory phrase that includes the words "fly", "you", and a derogatory word meant to reference fornication. The satanic roots of this song are shown clearly in the words that appear when back-masked. "Fly" is a drug term used by people that partake in "crystal methanphetamine", LSD, crack cocaine, hashish, caffine, and paint thinner. The word "you" and the derogatory term for the act of fornication are meant to inspire riots in the hearts and minds of those who listen and partake in the listening of this vile recording. The back-masked lyrics seem garbled and distorted; but this is to hide them more cleverly. The website for this single is designed by a company that uses a MOON in their logo. The Moon is used in satanic rituals and has been used to signify evil. The pictures on the website include the CD single and a flower. This flower is meant to signify some sort of mourning; but looks to be a sad mockery of the Rose of Sharon; which we have yet to see. The Black ribbons are a sign of tragedy; but are also used in satanic ceremonies. The color black is a wicked color that signifies Satan and his minions. The black ribbon is also the color of choice for social misfits and degenerates. In the pictures, those singers of the song are shown at a Baseball Field where the satanic sport of Baseball is played. A fitting den of eniquity. The teenaged singers are shown wearing baggy pants and blue plaid. Those are common gang memorabilia. And in another picture; they are shown wearing shorts that go above the knees. Those who are Sodomites (Faggots) wear shorts that are above the knees; this a common apparel for those who wish to decay the moral fibers of our nation. The song is played in a key and chord similar to music created by satanic musical groups such as Santana -whose name means Satan; because if an N and an A are removed; it spells thus.- and Gary Chapman -who divorced Amy Grant, another satanic musician-. Because of this association; I was instantly suspicious of this song. The lyrics include the words: "Flower Bloom" and "Rose Bud Red". These are references to flowers. And flowers are essential parts of satanic and pagan rituals. The lyrics use the word "Columbine" in a way that suggests that they are addressing a real person. This personification of a place is satanic as the may refering to it as a loving provider or a god. They address the "Columbine" and look to it for comfort. No mention of God is made in the song. Backwards, Columbine spells "Enibmuloc" which sounds satanic; and most likely is. The repeatitive nature of the song suggests some sort of structured paganism. The vocals are made to sound a little like the band Jars of Clay; which is thoroughly rotten in their music that "appeals" to non-Christians. The CD is $11.95 and that can be round up to $12. Half of 12 is 6. And 6 is a satanic number. A CD is also ROUND. Round objects suggest eternity and the idea of Eternal Enibmuloc is a satanic one. If you too wish to view this satanic website for educational purposes, the address is "". Also, it is suggested that you purchase the horrible and satanic single. If only to rebuke it in your home. It is suggested that you buy multiple copies to keep it away from weaker Christians. The $12.00 will insure that this dangerous material is kept out of the hands of the weak minded. So therefore, we musy strive to use rid ourselves of satanic money to buy these "CDs" and prevent their wicked message from reaching out to other people and turning them into blasted hippies. The Reverend Piky
Y2K is of the DEVIL!
Six Degrees of Evil
"Babe: The Pig"
"Fred Flintstone"
"Dr. James Dobson"
"IGN" (Imagine Gameing
SEEING ALBUMS IN A NEW LIGHT. (Review template blatantly ripped from Focus on the Family. Damn those fornicators.) Artist: dc talk
Pro-Social Content: The band thanks God on several tracks for providing them strength, but.. Objectionable Content: A lot of the tracks are horrible in their mired view of Christianity. They think Christians are weak and need some type of "help" in the walk. They surmount God as an addiction on several tracks and preach acceptance of various sins and sinners. The song Day by Day is a cover of the same song from what is probably a satanic melding of spells and God in a musical known as "Godspell". In the song.. "Colored People"; the singers preach acceptance of.. tainted people.. and as any scientific Christian knows.. it's not right to accept those who are different from us.. I mean.. can you say.. "Unequally Yoked"? There are pop culture references to superman, and other such satanic things. They describe grosteque obesity and flagarant stupidity in the title track. They also reference John the Baptists beheading.. which took place in the bad-bad New Testament. The song "What if I stumble" accuses Christians of promoting atheism. the song "Just between you and me" is about reconciliation; but God knows.. that rebuke is more.. Holy. Summary/Advisory: Don't buy an album that slaps us in the face by claiming Jesus as a freak. (And not just a hippie prophet. Feh.) The Reverend Piky
You must not love them!
Y2K was EVIL! Yes, this is true. Y2K was actually a plot by people who worship satan. The idea was to have people all excited over this supposed "Y2K".. and make them willingly serve it. I know this is true; because I have known about the plot for a few years. Around the 1960's or 1970's. There was an experiment call MK ULTRA. Now.. we are in MK Y2K. The plot is to integrate false "Millenium" hype through popular music, books, news channels, etc. Until people believe the Millenium starts in 2000 and not 2001. If it was in 2001, it would be honouring that prophet guy Jesus. You see, if they can remove the emphasis on the real Millenium and keep it away from that Jesus character.. they can make us all willingly serve the creatures of Y2K. It's the truth. Many people already claim to be excited by this false millenium. It's the evil spawns of Satan working over time on the job. (And probably for scale..) This is the most vile plot to come by the way in a while. Good people should stray from the whole Y2K evil and start stocking up on food for the REAL millenium.. which is 2001! It is 2001 and anyone who says otherwise is the wicked spawn of Satan! SIX Degrees of EVIL SATAN!!! "Snoopy"
Beanie Babies
Andy Kauffman
Dr. Pepper
The Cuban Boy is of SATAN!!! Unless you live under a rock and have not seen the news lately; there was a little Boy named Elian or something and he was found on Thanksgiving Day, clinging to some wreckage. Now, that wreckage was from a boat which sank and killed about ten people. Including the boys mother and step father. CNN -Cannibals Need Nookie- reported on this "Thanksgiving Miracle" all day and it was seen by everyone in Cuba. Now, Fidel Castro -smelling of cheap whiskey and still angry over the mockery that Bill Clinton committed with an imported Cuban Cigar- wasn't about to let the boy group up in such a country as America. So the father was found and the people were pushed into the streets to make protests and garner good publicity for the book Castro will eventually publish; entitled "The King is I: Tyranny Rules"; which he hopes someday to make into a movie starring Hanoi Jane and Woody Allen. The Boy has sparked so much controversy that people are rallying on both sides of the water; when they SHOULD be in churches (Or back-alleys) praying and stuff. You see.. the boy is a distraction to these people. If the Cubans are made to protest.. they will have no time to read their smuggled Bibles; and therefore.. they'll end up directly in Hell, do not pass go. Etc. Etc. Etc. And if the Americans are too busy protesting.. they will not have time to pass out those little comics, and practice self-righteousness. Also, I may note, that their is a DRAGON that rises from the ocean in Revelations! This boy.. one we would never consider to be evil.. may actually be the ANTI-CHRIST himself! We must be wary of this subject. And we must make sure that the US does the right thing. What is the right thing to do? Fly the boy out over the place where they found him and drop him back in the ocean. That way.. if Cuba really cares so much about the evil creature.. they can fish him out again. After all.. the kid is EVIL!!!! The Reverend Piky