The Daily
Newsity 05/31/2013
"Lines? What Lines?" The first day of Denver Comic Con was interesting! There was a big debacle about the lines and -when you see the pictures we took of the lines- you will understand why many people were upset. It appears that there is enough room in the convention center for all of those people; but the traffic flow was bottle necked due to a lack of volunteer staff. A lot of the people we talked to had been in line for anywhere from one to three hours. It could be a case of hyperbole; but I suggest that any locals coming to the Saturday events arrive early, bring handhelds (particularly 3DS!), and bring plenty of water. We started uploading pictures from the convention to our Flick'r page and we hope to get some interviews lined up tomorrow. Check out the pictures here and please look forward to the large amount of photos we will have this weekend! The Daily Newsity 05/30/2013 "Denver Comical Content!" There is a Nintendo Direct tomorrow. That Nintendo Direct will be for Japan and it will cover Phoenix Wright 5 and Monster Hunter 4. It will be a gloriously Capcom episode. There was also a bunch of games released today on the Nintendo eShop, mainly The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. You can read all about those in this press release! You can see screenshots of those games over here and -when we update it- check the Download Guide here. We will be covering Denver Comic Con this weekend and you can find our pictures from there -as we load them up- at this place. We are not covering A-Kon this year due to lack of time, fundage, and general other things. But you can see our coverage of A-Kon from previous years right here. There is also a brand new Radio DMG with the first of our SANA audio. See, I TOLD you that I was going to get that to you eventually. Eventually starts now. Please CLICK HERE
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