Pocket "Monsters"
by Meowthar (1998)

    "Piiiiikaaachuuuuu!!!!" said the electric mouse as he released a thunderbolt on the enemy
 Marowak.  Marowak's health was almost gone, and it was paralysed.  
    "Finish it off with a Mega Kick!" yelled it's trainer.  The Pikachu leapt high into
the air and dove down fast, feet first for it's Mega Kick.  Luckily, for Marowak, it missed.
As Marowak stumbled for it's trainer, the Pikachu was focusing it's energy.  When it finally got
 there, It was given the Super Potion it needed.
    "Marowak, Bonemarang!!!" it's trainer commanded.
    "Marowak," It confirmed. The bone it held left it's hands and flew towards Pikachu and
hit it's forehead. But the bone was still flying.  The Pikachu got up and was just about ready
to release it's Thunder when the bone flew up from behind it and struck it from behind it's
head.  And the bone finally had return to Marowak's hands.  Now, for a turn of events, Pikachu
 was Paralysed.  And the Marowak had drained most of the Pikachu's energy.
    "Marowak, Agility!" exclaimed his trainer.  The Marowak began racing laps around the
Paralysed Pikachu.  It got faster and faster until the Pikachu got dizzy.  
    "Okay Marowak, finish it off with Swift!" said Marowak's trainer, delighted.
Marowak began attacking at such a fast pace, if the move was recorded, it would be like watching
 a movie at normal pace.  The Pikachu had finally fainted, after a battle that was about an hour long.  Marowak's trainer raced up to it and flung his arms around him.  The Intercom boomed,
    "Pikachu vs. Marowak, Winner Marowak"
    ‘'You were great Marowak!!!" his trainer congratulated.
    "Mar wak wak Marowak" said the Marowak, blushing.
It's trainer was about 14 years of age, had short, brown hair.  He was very tall for his age.  About six feet tall.  He dreamt of becoming a Pokemon master some day.  His name was Craig, and he knew a lot about what beat what like:  water-fire grass-water fire-grass, stuff like that.  He had lived on Cinnabar Island and had started out with Cubone which he got from Lavender town.  The Rockets had killed Cubone's mother and Craig took pity on him.  While they were celebrating, their victory, the opposing trainer was sulking in defeat.  
    "Hey, Gary!" he called out, "would you like to come and have some ice cream with me?"
    "No, that's okay." Gary replied.  Who went on his way and started to scold his Pikachu.
    "You know, I did have the upper hand on that Pikachu of yours. Would you like to trade him for a Diglett?"
    "Well, this Pikachu is pretty wussy, and I need a ground Pokemon for my team, it's a deal!" he accepted.
So they went to the nearest Pokemon center and started the trade.  Craig was talking to his Diglett.  
    "I sure will miss you Diglett, be good to this new trainer and make sure you listen to him. Okay?"
    "Diglett dig!" it replied.
    "Good. Okay Gary, I'm ready."  he made sure Diglett understood.
They put their pokeballs with their Pokemon on the trading machine and they started it up.  The machine whirred and buzzed, while Marowak stood there watching.  They heard a loud ping sound and the trade was done.  Out came the Pikachu and it jumped into Craig's hands.
    "It likes me already!" Craig started to cheer up, "Take care of my Diglett Gary."
    "I will" he replied.  And left.
    "Well, what do you think Marowak?" Craig asked.
    "Marowak mar Marowak." it replied.
    "Pi pika." said the little Pikachu.
Then, Craig called in his Pikachu.  It didn't want to go in.
    "Mar Marowak wak marrrr," said the Marowak.
    "Pikachu!!!!!" the frightened Pokemon said.
Craig called it in once again, and it went in the time it was called.
    "I wish you wouldn't do that Marowak."
Marowak looked away.  
    "Come on Marowak, we should go now."
They left Vermilion City as the sun set over the horizon.  Soon, there was a nice evening summer's breeze and the stars lit the sky one by one.  
    The peaceful night was broken by the sound of voices.
    "Prepare for trouble,"
    "And make that double."    
    "To protect the world from devastation,"
    "To unite all peoples within our nation."
    "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light,"
    "Surrender now or prepare to fight."
    "Meowth, that's right!"
    "Oh, great, just what I didn't need, Team Rocket in my hair."  groaned Craig.
    "We like that Marowak of yours, It's strong, rare and also the solution to our problems.  We'll get promoted for this."  said the small Meowth.
    "I won't let you hoodlums get my Marowak that easily." Craig said.
    "Fine then, Ekans go" Jessie called.
    "Dragonite, go!" Craig shouted.
    The battle had begun with Ekans trying to poison the Dragonite.  It failed.  The Dragonite, however, flapped it's wings and created a whirlwind.  Ekans then wrapped around the gigantic Dragonite and squeezed the Dragonite unconscious. 
    "Ekansssss!!" the Pokemon hissed.
    "Golbat, Go" Craig cried out.
    "Gol-BAT, Gol-bat!" it said as it flew. 
    "Fly Golbat!"
    "Gol-bat" it repeated as it went up, higher and higher.  The Ekans however, glared at it, and the Golbat fell down, down, down, gaining speed as it fell.  Ekans was slow to recognise that the Golbat was going to crash on it, making it faint. 
    "Koffing go!" James uttered.
    "Ummm, let's see, Golbat is confused and the only one left besides Marowak is Pikachu." thought Craig.  "We'll need:"
    "Pikachu!!! Pi Pikachu ka chu" without having Craig to call out it's name.
    "What?!?"  now Craig was confused.
    "Pika! Pik Pik Pikaaaaachuuuuu" it released a powerful Thunder attack.  It was like the Pikachu was reading Craig's mind.  Suddenly, Craig understood that Pikachu was gifted with a Psychic Pokemon's abilities.
    "Okay Pikachu, know any psychic attacks?" He thought.
    "Pi."  It replied. The Pikachu started glowing.  Soon, rocks started to revolve around him and then he bombarded the Koffing with the rocks.  This soon confused the dumber Koffing and it floated up to James and hid behind his back.
    "If those two can't do it, I'm going to have to do it."  the little Meowth remarked.
    "I am my own master, these two don't command me!" he told the Pikachu.  Then, he used a fury of swipes and scratches.  Since the Pikachu was a Psychic Pokemon, it couldn't take the punishment.  It had fainted as well. 
    "Oh, no!" Craig cried.
    "Oh, yes!"  Meowth retorted. 
    "We get ourselves a Marowak!!" James mocked.  The Marowak was refusing to be captured.
    "James get the net!" Jessie told him.  Jessie and James each took a corner of the net.  It was hurled into the air.  The now unconfused Koffing used his smoke screen to leave the trail cold. 
    "No, Marowak, it happened too fast.  I couldn't get to him in time." he thought to himself as he poured max revive on his Pokemon, "I will get you back. I promise."  He found a rock to sit down on.  He started to cry.  In the bushes there were three unknown Pokemon conversing.
    "Do you think we should help him? I mean, it was our faults that we got him into this mess any ways.  Those Rockets followed us like magnets." said the smallest one.
    "Yes, but we shouldn't let him see us.  He might try to capture us.  And exploit us like they did with Mew." a tall, skinny one said.
    "Well, they did steal his Marowak, and if it was my Pokemon, I sure would love to have it back." replied a slightly shorter one.
    "Well, if you put it that way, we will talk to him first.  And make him promise not to capture us. Agreed?" asked the tall one.
    "Agreed." said both the short one.
    "Agreed." said the one that was a little shorter than the tallest one.
They moved around to the bush that was in front of Craig.  He heard the rustling and looked up.  One voice said,
    "We'll help you get your Marowak back, because it was mainly our faults."  the tall one said.
    "But-" said the small one.
    "But what?" asked Craig.
    "You have to promise not to capture us."  continued the small one.
    "Why?" asked Craig.
    "Because we are like the three legendary bird Pokemon, we are rumoured to be true, but have not been proven to exist."  the tall one told him.
    "I see." said Craig.
    "Oh, and one more thing," the semi-short one said, "Don't tell anyone you saw us."
    "Okay.  I promise I will not tell anyone of your existence, or even try to capture you." Craig agreed.  First, the short one stepped out.  He had bunny ears, small eyes, a thin neck, a triangular shaped body, clawed hands, and feet that curled up like an elves's shoe.
    "My name is Ickis." his voice was high pitched and strained.
    The next one to step out was the tall one.  She was thin, and had black and white stripes going down from her head to the tip of her tail; her lips were large and red, with teeth that left gaping holes in her mouth. Aside from that, her eyes came out from the sides of her head, like on stalks.  Her eyes themselves were green and shone in the moonlight, the pupils were like a lizard's, which were vertical slits.
    "And I am Oblina." her voice was rich, and had an English accent in it.
    The third one stepped out, and said nothing.  He was a little chubby, had hairy armpits and held his eyes high above his nose; he had no head.  He had blue lips and smelled like gasolene, only worse.
    "And I'm Krumm." the last one said, it was a regular, run-of-the-mill voice.
    "And we are going to help you." Oblina told Craig.
    At first Craig was dumbfounded and scared.  He had never seen anything like it.  They looked scarier than Mewtwo, except Ickis.  He just stared.
    "Don't stare, it's not nice." Oblina told him.
    "You aren't really Pokémon are you?" asked Craig.
    "No, not really." replied Oblina.
    "Then what are you?" Craig asked curiously.
    "We're really monsters.   Like the ones that hide under your bed to scare you." Ickis replied after a moment of silence.
    "Ickis!" Oblina scolded and kicked Ickis.
    "OW! That hurt!" Ickis complained.
    While Oblina and Ickis were fighting Krumm explained to Craig that they were from another dimension where Pokémon don't exist and they were summoned by a Charizard and taught how to fight so they could overthrow Mewtwo's plot of eradicating the human race. 
    "You're kidding." Craig said skeptically.
    "No, I'm not." responded Krumm.
    Krumm showed Craig the Masterball he held in his hand.
    "You're not kidding."  Craig said, "Well, if we're going to get Marowak back, we'll need to find out where the Rockets are going."
    "I know that!" Ickis showed Craig a memo paper. It said, "All Rocket members must meet in Saffron immediately.  We have hold of another Marowak and will hold it for ransom.  We will then meet in Lavender Town if our meeting does not go well."
    "I thought it was a bubblegum wrapper." said Ickis "It was just hanging there during the battle."
    "Can't you think about anything but food?" asked Oblina, sarcastically.
    "Well, we need to get to Saffron, so come on out Dragonite!" called out Craig.
    Craig got on the Dragonite.  Krumm and Ickis followed, but Oblina wouldn't go on.  She just stood there.
    "Aren't you coming Oblina?" asked Ickis.
    "No, I mean are you sure this is safe?" she asked.
    "Of course it is.  I've ridden Dragonite more than one.  He's perfectly safe." Craig assured her, "You wouldn't be afraid of heights, would you?"
    "Ummm, errrr...  No!  I'm not afraid of anything!" she replied.
    "Well then get on Oblina." Krumm told her.  Still she refused.  Craig went up to Dragonite's ear and whispered,
    "Pick her up before liftoff and keep hold of her during the whole flight. Okay?"
    "Nite, nite, Dragon nite!" confirmed the Pokemon.
    Dragonite started to flap it's wings and prepared for takeoff. 
    "Where are you going?"  Oblina asked furiously.
    "We decided you could walk to Saffron."  Craig told her.
    "But-but-but..." she stammered.
    While the Dragonite was in flight, it swooped down and picked Oblina up.
    "I was only kidding.  We couldn't leave without you.  But I knew you wouldn't get on.  So, instead of riding on Dragonite's back, you get a bird's eye view of the land."  Craig laughed.
    Oblina screamed.  She was afraid of heights, but didn't want to admit it.  The Dragonite flew up into the air, higher, and higher, faster, and faster until they got well into the clouds.  The flight was breath-taking.  Except for Krumm, who got airsickness.  Ickis stayed latched onto Craig's leg, just incase, he said.  It was about 3:00 in the afternoon when they landed for a rest.  Oblina had managed to get onto Dragonite's back and was a lot happier when she got there.  Ickis had fallen asleep and Krumm was having a ball staying on the end of Dragonite's tail.  Dragonite was exhausted.  Craig took off his backpack and opened it up.  Craig took out a baloney sandwich and gave Draognite a piece of cherry pie.  Craig offered a slice of watermelon to Krumm, Ickis and Oblina.
    "No thanks, we eat garbage, and bugs." Ickis said to Craig.
    "Come on out, Koffing!" Oblina said.  The Koffing looked at the Dragonite and said,
    "Do you expect me to fight that?" the Koffing stammered.
    "No, silly!  It's lunchtime." Oblina told Koffing.  Craig looked at the Koffing.
    "What, you've never seen a talking Pokemon before?" asked Koffing.
    "No, it's just I've heard that Koffings and other poisonous Pokemon were incapable of free speech." answered Craig.
    "That is such a lie...." Koffing told Craig.
    Ickis's stomach started growling.  Koffing found a spot to rest and let Krumm, Ickis and Oblina start to feed on his smog attack.  They were somewhere in the forest near Duplica's house of Imitae.  Soon, Ickis heard footsteps.
    "Hide!" he told the other monsters.
    Craig looked up and saw a trainer walking down the road.  Wait, no, two others were with him.  The other two were the Gym Trainers, Misty and Brock.  But the first one he saw was about 10 years old.  They looked tired, worn out.  Soon, the young trainer saw Craig and ran up to him.
    "I am Ash Ketchum from Pallot, and I challenge you to a -"
    The boy was cut off by Misty and Brock.
    "Do you have any idea who this person is???" asked Misty.
    "No, and I don't need to." said Ash.
    "This person has beaten us both, and I was the last one he was to beat.  He has all the badges, and his Pokemon are extremely strong.  Especially his Marowak." Brock told Ash.
    "I'd rather not fight...  It's about Marowak, Team Rocket captured him.  I'm going to get it back." Craig told all of them.
    "That's awful!" exclaimed Misty.
    "Team Rocket?  They're always causing trouble.  They're trying to get my Pikachu." said Ash, "Do you think we can help?"
    "Well, I'll have to ask my friends, stay here." Craig told him.  Craig leapt into the bushes.  Krumm, Ickis and Oblina were sitting there. 
    "Now, if you would like, I will tell them I don't need their help, or you can reveal yourselves to them and make them promise what you made me promise."
    "Well, we could use the help, those Rockets are pretty hard to beat." said Krumm.      "I agree, we need the help." Ickis replied.
    "But we would have to reveal ourselves; it is certainly out of the question."  Oblina objected.
    "But Oblina--those Rockets were even hard for us to get rid of."  stuttered Ickis, "Besides, they'll think we were just Pokemon."
    "Well, given that fact, I do think we would have a better time beating Team Rocket."
    "And all the rest of them as well." Craig said.
    "You mean there are more?"  Ickis asked nervously.
    "That's why we need all the help we can get."
    "Is it a deal?" asked Craig.
    "Deal!" they all said at once.
    Craig came out of the bushes smiling.  He sat down on a nearby rock and sighed,
    "Well, if you're gonna come, I need you to promise not to reveal the identities of my friends..."
    "Why?" asked Ash.
    "Because, they are....ummm....rare Pokemon that have agreed to help me get Marowak back." replied Craig.
    "Okay, Promise." swore Ash.
    "You too?" asked Craig.
    They nodded.
    "Okay, come on out you guys!" called Craig.
    Ickis was the first to step out.
    "What a cute Pokemon!" commented Misty.
    Ickis loomed and said,
    "Who are you calling CUTE???"
    Misty made sure not to call Ickis cute again.
    Krumm was the next to step out, he reeked worse than a Muk.
    "You really smell BAD!" Ash held his nose.
    "Thanks," Krumm giggled.
    Oblina was the last to step out.  She wasn't very keen on the idea that more humans were to join them.  She was refusing to talk. 
    "That Pokemon looks like a stick."  Brock said.
    She still didn't say a thing.
    "You all look tired.  I have some extra sandwiches I could share."  said Craig.
    "Well, I am hungry, and I think Pikachu is too."  Ash said.
    The little Pikachu finally revealed itself, although it was very frightened by the monsters.  Craig had got out his picnic blanket he had just in case.  He laid it on the ground and set out the sandwiches.  Ash and Pikachu sat at one end of the blanket, Brock at another side, Misty at the side facing Brock, and Craig, Ickis, and Krumm sat at the side facing Ash.  Oblina sat alone, on a rock. 
    "So, where are you going any ways?" asked Ash.
    "Saffron city, Team Rocket is there." replied Craig.
    "How do you suppose we get in there, the gates are guarded."  Ash replied.
    "Unlike most trainers, I have an HM.  I taught my Dragonite FLY, all we have to do is get into the Silph Office Building."  Craig had responded.
    "Can I have your wrappers?"  asked Krumm.
    "Umm, sure, go ahead."  Misty handed over her sandwich wrapper.  Ash and Brock followed the suit.  Craig just gave all his garbage to Krumm. 
    "The only thing interesting about these Pokemon is that they eat garbage and pollution."  Craig notified Ash, Misty, and Brock.
    "And it tastes pretty good if you ask me."  Krumm remarked.
    Krumm gave half of his garbage to Ickis and offered some to Oblina.  She looked away.  Ickis uttered,
    "Fine, suit yourself."
    Krumm and Ickis chowed down on the delicious garbage that had been given to them.  Misty looked at Oblina, curiously.  She studied her long, thin body, stripes running down her from head to toe.  Her large, red lips, and three teeth that stuck out of her mouth, prominently.  She looked at Oblina's eyes and then questioned,
    "Do you think that Pokemon is a mute?"
    "Oblina, No!  She just isn't very happy right now.  She doesn't like being around humans at all.  She was fine with just one, but now that there are four of you...."  Ickis informed Misty.
    Oblina walked up to Pikachu and sat down beside it.  She looked at it.  Ash's Pikachu was just staring at her, a little in fear, a little in unknowing, and a little in wonderment. 
    Oblina finally had some garbage to eat and they were soon on their way.  Pikachu had taken a liking to Ickis, because, like Ickis, Pikachu had large ears.  Pikachu was sitting on Ickis's head while they were walking, Oblina walking to the left and Krumm to the right.  Craig followed behind the monsters and the Pikachu, wile Ash, Misty and Brock were doing the same thing.  The monster's Koffing was floating alongside Krumm, and was translating Pikachu's words. 
    "Ka pi Pikachu pi pi chaaaa?" asked Pikachu.
    "Pikachu said, when will we get there?" the Koffing translated.
    They were getting close to the gates of Saffron when Craig said,
    "Okay, everybody stop, we can't get in via the gates, but we can get in via the air.  Come on out, Dragonite!"
    The red pokeball opened and released a Dragonite.  Ash, Brock and Misty stood there stunned. 
    "I-I've never seen anything like it."  Ash stuttered, "Dex, what is that?"  He pulled out the Pokedex he had in his pocket.  It said,
    "Dragonite, a Dragon-type Pokemon.  Once said to never exist, it was proven 10 years ago when a large Dragonite was spotted along near Bill's Lighthouse.  This is a rare and valuable Pokemon, make sure to be careful when near it, it runs away quickly.      "How did you manage to capture such a valuable Pokemon?" asked Ash.
    "Well, it was a present from my dad when he was on a business trip.  It is my second Pokemon I ever had." explained Craig.
    The monsters were already on, and Krumm urged,
    "Hurry up, we might be seen."  Ash, Brock and Misty took a seat near the wings, while Ickis and Pikachu sat up near the head with Craig.  Oblina decided to be the seatbelts for Ash, Brock and Misty.  Krumm had chosen to sit near the tail of Dragonite, because he had liked it so much the first time they flew.  Dragonite flapped its huge wings and started to take off.  Then it realised the Koffing hadn't got on yet.  The Koffing got closer to it and Oblina called it back into the Pokeball.  Finally the Dragonite could get off.  It ran at top speed along a dirt path and took off.  They soared over the gates of Saffron city and found a nice landing place near the local Gyms.  One was a fighting Pokemon Gym.  The other, reserved for psychic Pokemon and their trainers.  Craig had never been to a Fighter Pokemon Gym before.  He had never seen one before.  Then, he looked at the sign and saw, Pokemon Dojo.  No psychics allowed. 
    "Sounds like Sabrina really beat them good.  That's where Psychic Pokemon are the best fit for.  Well, who wants to go in?"  Craig stated.
    "Wow!!! A Pokemon Gym!!! This is GREAT!!!  I can't wait to get their badge!"  Ash stared in awe.
    "Correction.  This is a Dojo.  It's not a real Gym.  They won't give you a badge."  Craig corrected Ash.
    "Oh well, let's go in any ways."  the excited Pokemon trainer said.
    They all stepped into the Dojo.  In there were lots of Black belts, training a verity of fighting Pokemon.  There was one that sat next to a door.  He was different from the rest.  He was a lot tougher looking than the rest.  They were about to approach him when one of the Black belts came up and said gruffly,
    "I challenge you to a Pokemon dual!!"
    The black belt stared coldly at Ash.  Ash couldn't resist. 
    "This is a multi-Pokemon battle.  If one faints, it will be replaced by another.  If all your Pokemon faint, you are declared the loser.  Got it?"  He sneered.
    "You better believe it."  Ash retorted.
    "Primeape, KKND!!!"  The black belt shouted.
    "KKND???"  Ash wondered.
    "Crush, kill, and destroy." whispered Brock.
    "Oh."  Ash sighed grimly, "Okay then, Squirtle! I choose you!!!"
    "SQUIRTLEEE!!!" it cried out.
    "Prrrrimeeeaapeee!!!" it screamed.
    "Primeape, fury swipes!"
    "Squirtle, skull bash, NOW!!!!"
    The Primeape bounded over to Squirtle after it had lowered it's head.  The enemy Primeape attacked it with a barrage of scratches and punches.  Sqirtle then proceeded to run at Primeape and gave a hammering blow to the Primeape's head.  The Primape was really angry after that happened. 
    "Primeape, give it a Karate CHOP!"
    Primeape raised it's hand and swung it down fast, hitting Squirtle's shell, and cracking it. 
    "Prrrrrimeeapeeee!!"  It jeered.
    Squirtle had fainted out of this Karate chop.  It had hurt Squirtle really bad.
    "Squirtle, return!!!"  Ash yelled,  "Umm.... Let's see....  Let's try... Charmander, it's your turn!"
    "Char char!" it exclaimed.
    The Primeape leered at it.  This was the begging of a long battle.
    "Charmander, Fire Spin!"  Ash commanded.
    "Charrrrrr mannnn derrrrr!!!"
    A long stream of fire came out of Charmander's mouth and engulfed the Primape in flames.  The Primeape howled in pain.  Charmander was burning the Primape.  Charmander was out of fire and the enemy Primape was angrier than ever.  Primape tried for a Hi Jump Kick, but, the little Charmander was way too fast for it, and Primeape crashed into the wall.  Charmander whipped around and slashed the Primeape hard, it was a critical hit, as well Primeape being burnt.  Primeape had the fire of hate in it's eyes.  It gave the Charmander a quick blow to the shoulder.  Charmander had started to rage, throwing a punch that knocked Primeape across the room.  Primeape gave Charmander a good solid Mega Punch to it and made it faint as well.
    "Aauhhh!"  Ash said in surprise, quickly reaching for Bulbasaur's ball, "Give it your best shot, Bulbasaur!"
    "Bulbasaurrrrr!" it screeched.
    Bulbasaur opened a little hole in the top of it's bulb and sent out some spore, making the Primeape fall asleep.  Bulbasaur finished it off with a Razor Leaf, which usually hit critical.  And the Primeape fainted during it's sleep.
    "You did it, Bulbasaur!  You really did it!!!"  Ash was leaping for Joy (not nurse Joy, mind you). 
    The black belt was mesmerized.  He just stared at his loss.  But just then, the black belt called out,
    "Machoke, let's do it!!!"
    "Huh??? Another Pokemon?"  Ash stuttered.
    "Bulbasaaaaur?" the grass Pokemon pondered.
    Bulbasaur was ordered to use it's tackle attack, and knocked the Machoke flying.  It was weaker than the first, and was really upset when it happened.  The Machoke came back up and had given it a fissure.  Well, that was the end of that, or so the blackbelt had thought.  Pikachu was ordered into the ring and it was told to release a thunder wave on it.  The Machoke was paryilized instantly.  Machoke was ordered to give it a sismic toss but it didn't work.  It was fully in paralisis.  Pikachu then went out and gave the Machoke a fully-fledged thunderbolt.  It knocked Machoke right across the room.  The Machoke was able to render enough energy to get up and try for the sismic toss again.  This time, the Pikachu was hurled into the air and had knocked against the wall.  Pikachu, while in mid-air gave the Machoke a good thundershock and both Pikachu and Machoke had fainted after that. 
    "I have still one more Pokemon, you little brat."  The black belt said, enfuriated, "Poliwrath, come on out!!!"
    The specialized Pokeball had a blue top, instead of the traditional red.  As the shape formed, Ash took out his Pokedex and asked,
    "What type of Pokemon is that?"
    Dex replied, "Poliwrath is a Water/Fighting type."
    "Well, I guess you'll have to do, Pidgeotto, I choose you!"
    "Pigeooooooo!!!" it screamed.  A look of worry spread across the black belt's face.  The Poliwrath was also looking worried.  Craig could see it in both of thier eyes.  Ash commanded Pidgeotto to start off with a gust attack.  Pidgeotto kicked up what dust was on the Gym floor and flapped hard enough to send Poliwrath across the room.  Poliwrath was quite shook up.  Poliwrath was then demanded to use bubblebeam on the Pidgeotto, but it had missed.  Pidgeotto then quickly flew a circle around Poliwrath and gave it a peck in the back.  Poliwrath was exausted.  With it's last ounces of strength, it was able to manage a few fury swipes, but that was it.  Pidgeotto was stronger and had the elemental advantage over it.  Pidgeotto then finished it off with a quick attack that had ended the battle.  Ash was ectatic.  He had won, and with his weakest Pokemon too. 
    "Way to go, Pidge-e-o!" he chanted on his way out, so he could heal up his other Pokemon.  He allowed Pidgeotto to fly alongside him until he got to the local Pokecenter.  All that time, Krumm, Ickis and Oblina had been watching from Craig's backpack and started to converse.
    "Did you see that?  I didn't know that Fighters were weak against birds.  That is truly interesting."  Oblina commented.
    "Maybe it's because they can't handle bugs, either."  Ickis suggested.
    "That sounds reasonable."  Krumm replied.  Their conversation got cut short. They had stopped, and heard the voices of various humans talking. 
    "Please heal my Pokemon."  Ash asked nurse Joy.  They sat down and waited a few minutes.  Then they heard a chime and Ash said,
    "Thank you."  and they left. 
    "We need to check out Silph, I've heard rumours about Team Rocket hanging around there."  Craig informed.  They walked a ways, about for half an hour.  They saw a dark figure running from the back door of Silph, and was quickly out of sight.  Craig, Ash, Misty, and Brock quickly gave chase.  Soon, they saw a little boy just standing there.
    "Who was that?"  inquired Craig.
    "It was Giovanni of Team Rocket.  He gave me this to shut up.  But that won't stop me.  Team Rocket cost me my family.  I want to see them go down in flames."  the small boy replied in hatred, "You can have it if you want."
    The boy handed Craig a Pokeball.
    "What's in it?"  interrogated Craig.
    "Some kind of Pokemon.  I'm too young to have it.  I don't even have a licence."  the boy admitted.
    "Well then, we're off!"  announced Craig.  He brought out his Dragonite and immediately set off for Lavender town.
    It was dark out when they reached the strange little town called Lavender.  The full moon made everyone but the monsters twitch.  Krumm, Ickis and Oblina were comforted by the moon.  As they neared the tower, they heard commotion inside.  There were people screaming, and they heard unearthly noises.  Soon, they saw two Rockets burst out of the building, screaming,
    "GHOSTS!  Beware the ghosts!"
    And the two Rockets fled the building.
    "How odd, you humans really believe in ghosts!  That's absurd!"  Oblina exclaimed.
    "There is proof that they exist."  Craig reasoned.
    "I still do not believe they exist."  Oblina retorted.
     Ash, Misty, Brock, and Craig opened the dusty, wooden door.  The first floor was empty, with all but a few old chairs and ominous paintings.
    They heard a faint sound of laughter coming from upstairs.  They crept up the creaking stairway until they caught sight of three vaporous forms.  They were all purple, and one was black.  The laughter grew louder, and they caught sight of a fourth Pokemon, a Meowth.
    "Leave me alone!  Go away!"  it shouted at the free-floating forms, and it ran away screaming,
    "Boss Rocket will get you!"
    "Haw, haw, haw, haw!"  one of the figures laughed.
    "Haunter?"  Ash called.
    The three free-floating forms turned around.
    "HAUNTER!"  the one greeted.
    "Aren't you supposed to be with Sabrina?"  Ash questioned.
    "Haw haunter."  replied the ghost.
    "He's on vacation."  Oblina's Koffing translated.
    "Oh.  Okay."  Ash said.
    "Have you seen any Rockets around here?"  Craig inquired.
    Haunter nodded, and lead them up a creaky stairway.  The Rockets voices were growing louder each step.  Haunter stopped.  It pointed to an old air shaft that was used during the time of the Pokemon wars to spy on suspected enemies during  meetings (during that time, the Pokemon Tower was a business building before it's conversion to a mausoleum).   
    "Haun--ter haunt haunta." Haunter directed.
    Koffing floated up the airshaft, and yelled, "Follow me!"
    "Ummm;  Ladies first!"  Craig nudged Misty.
    "No, you first.  I insist."  Misty stalled.
    "No, you."
    "Will somebody just climb in?"  Ash intervened.
    "Sure looks unsettling up there.  I like."  Ickis climbed into the shaft, followed by Oblina and Krumm.  Brock was the next to venture in.  Ash and Craig followed.  Misty stopped and looked at her hand.
    "Ewww, I'm not getting dirty!"
    Craig pulled Misty up the shaft.  She took a breath to scream, but Ickis covered her mouth.  She had never felt anything like it, his claws were fuzzy, but at the same time as hard as steel.  Misty relaxed and took a look though a vent in the shaft.
    "I'm going in."  Craig pushed his way to the vent.
    A loud crash, and clang was heard, then Giovanni turned his head from Jessie and James.  Marowak was in a cage.  Craig stood courageously over the hole in the shaft.  Ash, Brock and Misty quickly followed.  Jessie and James looked wide-eyed in terror when they saw Craig's angry face glare at them.  Meowth peeked from underneath the table.
    "What are you two looking a-ah-ahhhhh!"  Meowth blurted with fear.
    "You!" Giovanni gasped.
    "Back for more, Giovanni?  You were always my rival, I can remember you trying to get Marowak but I never knew that you were the head of Team Rocket.  It was probably because of jealousy that you took Marowak from me."  Craig fumed.
    "Jessie?  James?  Meowth?  Did you take this boy's Marowak?"  Giovanni inquired.  They nodded.  "For once, you've made yourselves useful.  Now, I cannot be stopped."  He cackled evilly.

    "Fine.  I'll battle you over it.  You choose first."
    "Kengaskahn, go and make your master proud!"
    "Whopdee do, an Kengaskahn.  I can do one better than that.  Dragonite, you have been summoned!"
    "But I thought you had a Dagonair."
    "Ever heard of EVOLUTION?"
    "Um erh, Kengaskahn, Comet Punch!"
    "Dragonite, FLY!"
    Dragonite avoided the punches.
    "Dragonite, Sky Attack!"
    Dragonite was glowing an amber red, and Kengaskahn wound up for a dizzy punch.  Dragonite dived towards Kengaskahn, and before it got hit by dizzy punch, it stopped, and blew fire out of it's mouth.  That didn't stop Kengaskahn from punching Dragonite, however.  Blood streaked from Dragonite's mouth.  One of it's teeth had been knocked out.  Dragonite was infuriated, and took Kengaskahn out with Hyper Beam.
    "Fine then Nidoqueen, go!"
    Nidoqueen proceeded to make every Pokemon faint just by using horn drill, but Craig did not give up.  He sent out Psichu, his name for it.
    [You need no instruction, you know what to do]
    Psichu beat the Nidoqueen's tail and three  of the remaining Pokemon. Pikachu peaked it's head out of Ash's backpack, were it hid from the beginning.
    "Pi ka."
    "Rhighhhhhh donnnnn"
    Rhydon slashed the Psichu, and it fainted.
    "Oh, great.  Now what?"  Craig groaned.
    "What about the Pokemon that kid gave you?"  Misty suggested.
    "That's it!"  Craig pulled the sixth pokeball from his belt and threw it onto the floor.
    "Karp!  Karp, magi-karp karp karp!"
    James cringed.
    Magikarp looked up at it's opponent.  Rhydon gave a wicked smile.  Magikarp had met Rhydon before.  And it hadn't been a good memory.  Fulled with hatred, Magikarp started glowing.  James, Jessie and Meowth knew what was going to happen.  Evolution was going to take place.  It even took Giovanni and Rhydon by surprise when Magikarp when it finished evolving.  There stood Gyarados.  And it was open for revenge.
    Gyarados bellowed and furiously bit into Rhydon's tail.  Big mistake.  Gyarados' teeth had broken.  Rhydon smirked.  Rhydon jumped into the air, and stomped on the end of Gyarados' tail.  Gyarados screamed in pain.  Quickly, Craig shouted,
    "Gyarados, Hydro Pump!"
    "But there's no water around!"  Misty replied.
    "No, but a Gyarados stores water in it's body just incase it washes ashore and is attacked."
    The stream of water hit Rhydon full force, and it now looked worried.  Rhydon made the best of it, and stomped first on Gyarados' tail, then proceeded to the head.  It bashed Gyarados' skull in.  Painfully, Gyarados died.
    "I guess it's all over."  Craig moaned.
    The monsters appeared.
    "It ain't over until the fat Jinx sings." Ickis said.
    "What are they?!?" Giovanni stupidly yelled, seeing them for the first time.
    "Dems were the Pokemon we were trying to catch, Boss." Meowth told Giovanni.
    "Oh, but you're not going to.  I challenge your Rydon to a duel" Oblina fumed, "You aren't a good trainer.  You will kill Pokemon if you must, but eventually you will be caught.  Koffing, GO!"
Koffing was out of it's ball, and looked at Rhydon.  It whimpered.  
    "Rhy don don don donrhy!"
Koffing looked at the Gyarados.  Then, it looked at the trail of blood leading to Rhydon's foot.  
    "That is just plain sick, Rhydon!  You....  You....  OOOOOOoooohhhhh....... "
Koffing started turning a very deep purple.  Rhydon jeered.  Suddenly, Koffing flew up to
Rhydon, and released a powerful stream of sludge.  This knocked the Rhydon over.
    "Don't blame me, you murderer!"
    "Rhydon don ydon nodyhr."
    "Oh, please.  My shell is tough enough.  I might just EXPLODE in your face.  And then you will be just like that Gyarados.  FACELESS!"
    Rhydon hid it's face, and Koffing spat some sludge at it.  Rhydon turned around, and uncovered it's eyes.  Then, it walked up to Koffing and grabbed it. 
    "What are you doing?"
    "Don don rhy."
    "But not if I can help it."
    Koffing started glowing, and everyone thought it was going to evolve.  Koffing's
 poisonous gaseous started to while inside of it.  And, it exploded, and decapitated Rydon.  
Oblina called Koffing back.  Giovanni and Team Rocket were about to escape, but Krumm blocked
    "You aren't getting away that easily."  Oblina scorned.  Krumm laughed his wicked laugh.  And, suddenly, there was a flash, and some screaming.  Ungodly screaming, enough to make your flesh crawl.  It was Rhydon's spirit.  Burning in hell.  But the flash also produced a ghost.  It was the Gyarados.  Haunter had turned it's spirit into a ghost. (See the Tower of Terror, Haunter does that to Ash and Pikachu, for those who haven't seen that episode yet)
    Gyarados restrained Givonni and Team Rocket, and the monsters hid in Craig's backpack. 
    The sirens of the police cars were blaring, and Officer Jenny handcuffed Team Rocket and Giovanni. 
    "Good job, kids.  I believe you have caught the leader of Team Rocket." congratulated Jenny.
    "No problem.  But, where's my Marowak?"  Craig asked.
    "Oh, don't worry, the other officers are working to get it out of the cage."
    "Why can't I just call it back in it's Pokeball?"
    "Because we discovered a bomb underneath the cage, and it's set off by calling that Marowak into it's Pokeball."  Jenny explained.
    "Wak!  Marowak!"  Marowak was free, and it ran from the Pokemon Tower, and into Craig's arms.  The day had been saved.


    "So, where are you off to?" Craig asked Krumm.
    "We're off to the Cerulean Cave.  I've heard that Mewtwo is in there."  Krumm replied.
    "Yes, and-" Oblina was cut off.  A Charizard came out of the bushes. 
    "You don't have to find Mewtwo anymore.  It has already been captured."  The Charizard began to glow, and it transformed into Mew.
    Everyone gasped.
    "I'm glad that everyone is happy.  Oh, and Craig,"
    "I have a surprise for you." Mew smiled.
    A Gyarados emerged from the bushes, and went up to Craig, but, it's head was deformed.  Not much though.  It's head was just flatter than normal.
    "Is this my Gyarados?"  Craig stared in awe.
    "It is.  Farewell."  Mew left and so did Ickis, Oblina and Krumm.
    Then, Craig thought to himself,
    "I wonder what happened to Ash and his friends.  Oh, well.  I better get moving to Victory road.  I'll need to get there before my rival does."
    Somewhere else:

    Sirens screamed.  Another prisoner had escaped.  No.  Four.  And their Pokemon too.  Givonni was out, and he was out for revenge.